Chapter 5

799 21 9

December 7 20XX

5:00 AM

Somewhere In Samar, Philippines

We could 18 shipgirls in The Secret Built Japanese Navy base

These 18 shipgirls were revived by Takao a few years ago with the help of the sword given to her by Ms. Fuji and when they were revived they swore loyalty to Takao since they were given a second chance to live and fight

and they are(Listed from Aircraft Carrier to Submarine)(What they look like will be revealed soon):

Aircraft Carrier:

- IJN Unryu(Carries 60-75 Aircraft)

Light Aircraft Carriers:

- IJN Zuihou(Carries 30 Aircraft)(According to the Wiki)

- IJN Chuyou(Carries 30 Aircraft)

- IJN Taiyō(Carries 30 Aircraft)

- IJN Un'yō(Carries 30 Aircraft)

Heavy Cruisers:

- IJN Haguro

- IJN Tone

Light Cruisers:

- IJN Sakawa

- IJN Tatsuta


- IJN Asagumo

- IJN Akebono

- IJN Asagani

- IJN Numakaze

- IJN Natori

and lastly Submarines:

- IJN I-54

- IJN I-48

- IJN I-46

Although Most of the shipgirls that were sunk are from the Philippines were revived some were sank or scrapped in different Places and Takao travelled a long way to revive them and they were all grateful

All though Takao planned to Revive some of the shipgirls that were forgotten to be revived by the Japanese Navy, who are now called Sakura Empire, she only planned to revived 15 and with Musashi's help who was her second in command they managed to make the fleet happy and alive

and with Takao's fleet they managed to fend off the Siren ships heading to the Philippines as Azur Lane was in a war with The Crimson Axis

And currently they are being gathered By Takao to participate in Operation 百繚乱(Operation Hundreds of Flames) 

A few hours ago Takao received a message from Mikasa secretly that Akagi and Kaga are about to declare war against Azur Lane by Attacking Pearl Harbor and were using siren ships that were given to them by Observer Alpha since she promised to revived Amagi for them

And so to prevent another war Takao decided to Pearl Harbor Sakura Empire and steal the remains of Amagi to revive her as a Aircraft Carrier

And so The Light Aircraft Carrier Shipgirls carried 6 Mitsubishi A6M3 Zero Fighters, 8 Nakajima B5N2 Torpedo Bombers, 8 Aichi D3A1 Dive bombers and 8 Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka Kamikaze Aircraft each

While Unryu Carrying 12 Mitsubishi A6M3 Zero Fighters, 20 Aichi D3A Val dive bombers, 16 Yokosuka D4Y3 Torpedo Bombers, 9 Nakajima B6N Tenzan Torpedo Bombers, 9 Nakajima Ki-44 Shoki Fighters/Kamikaze Aircraft and 9 Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka Kamikaze Aircraft

Because of this The Shipgirls carried 195 Aircraft with the 50 of them Kamikaze Planes

And so with this in play Takao explained the plan

When the reached 1000 km away from The Sakura Empire Mainland The First Aircraft that the Aircraft carrier shipgirls will send will be the 50 Kamikaze Aircraft and those planes are to aim The Aircraft Carriers that were anchored on port and after that All Aircraft will attack The Battleships and Heavy Cruisers, While The Heavy and Light Cruisers, Destroyers, Submarine shipgirls will bombard the island and with the submarines and the others will send there torpedoes to the Sakura Empire Light Cruisers, Destroyers and Submarines that were anchored there(Musashi will stand by and will try to help The Aircraft Carriers by aiming her guns at there targets)

and so after 30 minutes of briefing they prepared to attack there own comrades, Takao know this will considered as betrayal but for the greater good some things must be done with all of the Shipgirls Agreeing with her

and so at 6:00 AM they left the base wearing Brown like grey Cloaks to hid there identity 

and after a Hour they were 1000Km away from the island and after 45 mins the Kamikaze Aircraft are ready and the ships are ready to get in position and after 4 minutes Takao played a song in her ship sending it to the others

As they heard this they sent there Kamikaze Aircraft into the air

The Attack on Sakura Empire has Begun

To be continued

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