Chapter 14

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With Azur Lane knowing where Takao's fleet is two Shipgirls from the Royal Navy, Sheffield and Edinburgh to head to the Philippines to find out what is there next move

However Arkansas tells Takao that she encountered the 2 Dragon Empery Shipgirl heading Azur Lane and how she saved them to which Takao anticipated this will happen due to Ms. Fuji's sword giving her clairvoyance and she had already sets a trap for the 2 incoming Maids that will infiltrate there base

The Next day 

We could see Sheffield and Edinburgh wearing black cloaks docking there ships in the Philippines, Samar and from there they started to find Takao's Base

and after a few Hours of searching through Forests and cave they managed to found it and needless to say the shipgirls there are doing routine patrols to guard the base with Manjuu's manning the AA guns there

And so they planned to infiltrate the base at night

Hour later

8:00 PM

As night comes, The 2 Royal Navy Shipgirls managed to bypassed The Shipgirls and Manjuu's because they are wearing Black Cloaks blending them at the darkest places

As they successfully done this they looked at the map placed at the Base and then looks for Takao's Office and enters in the vents to avoid being caught

As the crawl at the vents they managed to find Takao's Office only to find Takao there dancing with New York with a song being played

As the two saw this they Saw Takao acting like a gentleman to New York while dancing and both of them were holding hands as they dance

And then the 2 Royal Navy shipgirls also noticed at Takao's desk has a Whiskey Bottle opened with two glass cups with ice with traces of Whiskey in the glass cup, meaning that they are somehow drunk but they are able to dance like how a couple would 

with them dancing like time is slowing down for Takao and New York, Sheffield opens the vent door slowly and then saw that there is long cylinder container in Takao's desk that was open revealing different blueprints and papers

As Sheffield think these are the prepared plans made by Takao she goes down with Edinburgh holding a rope 

as Sheffield had finally dropped at Takao's desk she grabbed the container and as she done this she saw Takao pinning New York on the wall of the office and Takao suddenly kissed New York with New York's hands holding Takao's head, pulling her closer, deepening there kiss

and then as there mouth parted ways New York spoke

New York: My, My I didn't know Takao is such a good kisser~

Takao: Same goes for you

as she said this New York suddenly presses a red button sounding the alarm shocking Sheffield as she heads inside the vent and escapes with Edinburgh and Takao's future plans and then New York giggled as the two Royal Navy shipgirls had taken the bait 

As she done this she kissed Takao again, but this time with more passion while the Shipgirls in the area are trying there best to capture Edinburgh and Sheffield, but they already flee far away returning to Azur Lane HQ

Hour's Later

At the Azur Lane HQ

We could see Wales, Enterprise, Cleveland, Sheffield and Edinburgh, with Edinburgh pulling out the contents of the Cylinder container until Edinburgh pulls out a long metal cylinder with a word in it saying


and then the word written there turned red and it turns out the long metal cylinder is a bomb and when it was pulled it will detonate and explode

as this happens the meeting room exploded causing the shipgirls there to get injured with Takao's plans getting caught in the explosion turning them into useless information

To be continued

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