Chapter 13

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At the Secret Naval Base at Samar

We could see Takao looking at the Area where the Azur Lane Base, Ironblood and Sakura Base is and was creating different scenarios in her head so she could make a plan in case it will happen

However some cut her thoughts short when a cigarette stick was infront of her and then she turned around and saw the shipgirl offering her the Cigarette who was also smoking

However some cut her thoughts short when a cigarette stick was infront of her and then she turned around and saw the shipgirl offering her the Cigarette who was also smoking

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(Imagine her coat has a number 34 on it)

Takao: Why are you here New York?

New York: You're overthinking about possible attacks again take a smoke break for awhile 

Takao: I-Fine *takes the Cigarette stick and pulls out a lighter to light it up and puts it on her mouth*

and from there Takao slowly calms down

New York: I didn't know you could smoke?

Takao: It wasn't my first time *chuckled* 

New York: I see

When New York was revived by Takao, she swore loyalty to her and to her alone but also she got interested at Takao, her goals, her reason of fighting, and lastly

New York: So 

Takao: Hmm?

New York: What will you after you get your revenge?

and then Takao removes the cigarette stick and releases smoke from her mouth and spoke

Takao: I......Still haven't decided but maybe after this is all over you would get my answer

New York: Very Well then

and so they continue there little smoke break until Amagi's fleet had returned and from there Takao tells New York to greet them instead as she'll take a stroll 

and as she left she pulls out her phone and puts some earphones on her ears and then starts to play a song:

and then she goes to a garage that she build and saw the boke she buy with the money she had before she started her plan of getting revenge and before the sirens came

and then she goes to a garage that she build and saw the boke she buy with the money she had before she started her plan of getting revenge and before the sirens came

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And then she pulls out the keys and stated to hit the road while she is listening to the song

(Listen to the song as long as you want)

At the Azur Lane base

We could see Manjuu's and Personnel fixing ships that received Light to Heavily damages

But some of the ships that received Heavy Damages like Queen Elizabeth and Hood's ship will take a 3 months to repair due to extensive damage that the Kamikaze planes done to there ships

While for Belfast's ship it will take a week 

And at the Base infirmary

We could see Enterprise looking at Belfast in the bed at a comatose state 

and then Vestal came 

Vestal: Enterprise

Enterprise: Yes?

Vestal: Wales called you in the meeting room they are only waiting for you

Enterprise: I see I'll follow shortly

and so Vestal left with Enterprise looking at Belfast and kissed her in the forehead and then she heads to the meeting room

And as she heads to the Meeting Room she saw Hornet, Cleveland, Wales, Illustrious, Nevada, Vestal and the 2 light Cruisers of the Dragon Empery, Ping Hai and Ning Hai

Wales: Enterprise please take a seat

and so Enterprise seat at the sofa and spoke

Enterprise: Is there a reason why you called me here

Wales: The 2 shipgirls from the Dragon Empery witness a fight while they are heading here 

Enterprise: What about it

Ping Hai: We believe that fleet also came from the same fleet that Attack the Royal Navy fleet heading here a week ago

Enterprise: I'm listening

and from there the 2 light cruisers explained to them that the fleet attacked the incoming Sakura Fleet while in the typhoon and managed to made them retreat 

Ning Hai: And the is this one Shipgirl that helped us escape from the siren fleet while we are heading here

Hornet: Do you see who it was

Ping Hai: No but we see a hull number on her coat

Cleveland: What's the hull number?

Ping Hai: 33

as she said every Eagle Union Shipgirls were shocked

Nevada: Could you repeat that?

Ping Hai: 33 is there something about her hull Number?

Nevada: It can't be how did she got revived-

Enterprise: A diversion, They Fleet that Attacked The Royal Navy fleet forced us to engage them while one of them look for there Wisdom Cubes, Did you where are they heading

Ning Hai: From what we see where they are heading they are heading to the Philippines

To be continued

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