Chapter 9

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As Belfast said this many were confused many were confused since only Belfast and a few Royal Navy shipgirls were at the Pacific

and then one of the Kamikaze planes hit Queen Elizabeth Conning Tower and from there the shipgirls quickly got to there ships and light up there AA guns as they figured out what the Kamikaze planes could do 

but it was to late 3 Kamikaze Planes hit Hood's Conning Tower, Deck, and one of her Main guns rendering them useless

As for Queen Elizabeth's ship her ship got hit by 4 Kamikaze Planes on different directions before she could summon her riggings to avoid them and because of this she got severely injured

Warspite: Your Majesty!

and then 2 dive bombers dropped there bombs at Queen Elizabeth's ship but Queen Elizabeth managed to summon her rigging but one of the bombs hit Queen Elizabeth's rigging  knocking her unconscious in the water

But Warspite manages to catch her sister

Warspite: Belfast call Azur Lane now!

and from there Belfast called Azur Lane HQ while is firing her AA guns at the incoming Kamikaze planes

At the Azur Lane HQ

We could see Prince of Wales, Illustrious, Enterprise, Hornet, Cleveland, Essex, and some shipgirls in the Meeting room waiting for the Royal Navy Fleet

and then Prince of Wales received a transmission from The Royal Navy Fleet and as she read this she shouted

Wales(short for Prince of Wales): Her Majesties in trouble!

as she said this Enterprise spoke

Enterprise: How?

Wales: They said Kamikaze plane are attacking them, uh what are Kamikaze Planes?

as she said this Enterprise's eyes widen along with a few Eagle Union shipgirls in the area

Cleveland: There in deep trouble indeed *sprints outside the room with a few Eagle Union Shipgirl following her* 

Wales: Wait what do you mean?

Illustrious: Kamikaze planes, are Suicide planes carrying a lot of explosives inside if it hits a warship it could cause serious damage to that ship or sink it if it has the chance

As she said this Wales eyes widen in horror and from there the rest head also head outside the room 

At Belfast's side 

It was chaos Belfast got hit by 2 Kamikaze planes making some of her radars and AA guns useless and Hood is being carried by Sheffield as Hood Manages to summon her rigging before she lost consciousness 

and one Kamikaze Plane was about to head straight to Edinburgh, as Belfast saw this she head to protect her sister while using her AA guns to shoot the plane 

But Pane somehow manages to hit her making her also unconscious

Edinburgh: Belfast!

As she saw her sister unconscious she picked her up and was trying to wake her up

and then Unryu appeared in a distance infront of them

Unryu: It'll will be best if you leave little one she must be punished for her crimes against the world

Edinburgh: W-What do you mean ?

Unryu: You will know soon-

Edinburgh: NO! I won't leave my sister here!

Unryu: ... Very well then

and the Unryu throws 3 paper like planes that transformed into 3 Kamikaze Aircraft and from there Edinburgh shields herself to protect Belfast

Only for 3 yellow bright arrows to intercept them

To be continued

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