Chapter 8

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As Unryu returned to the Base in Samar, She saw The Destroyer Shipgirls Natori and Akebono at the out of the base with the ships along with Light Cruiser Shipgirl, Sakawa, Heavy Cruiser Tone, and Light Aircraft Carrier Shipgirl, Zuihou and where only waiting for her

And as Unryu docked her ship she could see Takao waiting for her while Manjuu's are putting some Nakajima Ki-44 Shoki Fighter/Kamikaze Aircraft and from there Unryu whispered something to Takao

Unryu: A submarine from the Sakura Empire had just Followed me, All according to plan

Takao: I see, Very Well

and so the two head inside the Base's meeting room so Takao could Brief Unryu About Operation Dethrone, While The Sakura Empire Submarine took some pictures at the ships that were in the base so Naval Intelligence Officers in the Sakura Empire could Recognized them and could possibly to do some counter measure's against them 

While this is all Happening Takao explained what Is Operation Dethrone to Unryu

2 Days ago before Operation 百火繚乱(Operation Hundreds of Flames) Takao managed to intercept a message saying The Royal Navy will sent 2 Battleships(Queen Elizabeth and Warspite), 1 Battlecruiser(Hood), and 3 Light Cruisers(Belfast, Sheffield, and Edinburgh) are heading to The Azur Lane base as reinforcements 

The Main mission is to Damage Queen Elizabeth, Hood and Belfast's ship since they are the main reason why WW2 happened and if possible make there ships unworthy to fight 

As Takao tells this she also informed Unryu that she'll head to the Bikini Atoll and other places to revive SS-384, SS-308, SS-386DD-413, DD-410, BB-34  and BB-33 

(Take a Guess who are these ships by commenting here)

To strengthen there Naval Force and to protect there base here to which Unryu smiled as Takao finally considered to revive Forgotten Eagle Union Shipgirls 

And as she says this Unryu asked if Amagi is being revived to which Takao responded that her Wisdom cube is still being repaired and it will take some time and from there the two part ways to do there mission

At the Royal Navy Fleet Heading to Azur Lane 

We could see Queen Elizabeth drinking tea with Warspite and Hood as there ships are sailing, heading to Azur Lane 

While this is happening Sheffield came to them 

Queen Elizabeth: What is it Sheffield

Sheffield: There was a news that Sakura Empire was attacked by surprise

as she said this everyone was shocked

Warspite: It looks like the sirens are trying to divide us even further

Sheffield: There Weren't Siren ship, They were Sakura Planes that attacked them

Hood: Impossible Lady Nagato managed to calm down everyone there shouldn't be a civil war in The Sakura Empire

Queen Elizabeth: But since they joined Crimson Axis maybe someone revolted against her and the other, That's what she get for joining Crimson Axis-

and then suddenly Edinburgh came in a hurry and spoke

Edinburgh: Your Majesty Sakura Planes are heading here!

Warspite: What?! How did they find us we made sure we left quietly not to alarm the enemy-

and then suddenly Sakura Plane appeared from the sky to which they also saw a different plane in the group heading to them

and then suddenly Sakura Plane appeared from the sky to which they also saw a different plane in the group heading to them

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As these saw these planes Belfast spoke in the radio saying

Belfast(In the Radio): This isn't a ordinary attack It's a Kamikaze Attack!!!

To be continued

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