Chapter 12

707 21 12

500 Km away to the Typhoon where The Sakura Fleet is

We could see Arkansas and Amagi discussing there plan to intercept the Sakura Fleet and with the help of I-54(Who dives underwater to spy on the incoming Sakura Fleet in the typhoon) they know how many shipgirls are heading to Samar to attack them

There were:

4 Aircraft Carriers(Akagi, Kaga, Souryuu, Hiryuu)

4 Battleships

2 Heavy Cruisers

2 Light Cruisers

and 6 Destroyers 

and they were all trying to find a way out of the typhoon

Since the Typhoon will give them the advantage to win Amagi had figured out a plan to make the Sakura Fleet retreat which made Arkansas agreed to Amagi's plan

and so Arkansas, along with Tone, Sakawa, Asagumo and I-54 heads to the Typhoon area with Amagi and Taiyo launching there Kamikaze planes to help Arkansas group

At The Sakura Fleet 

we could see the Sakura Fleet struggling to get out of the storm, it seems that luck isn't at there side as a typhoon appeared at there location as they are trying to attack the Base in Samar where Takao's fleet is

and then suddenly the could hear planes heading to there position and one of the Shipgirl Carriers, Hiryuu spoke

Hiryuu: Shit we've been discovered!

and then suddenly they could hear music playing in the area

and then Kaga spoke as she is in the fleet

Kaga: Who the hell is playing music in the area-

and then shells from a battleship almost hit Kaga's ship

Kaga: Shit they Brought Musashi with them!

Unknown to them it was Arkansas is playing the song and was annoying them and firing at them and since Arkansas likes the music she moves at the beat while firing her 12, 12-inch/50-caliber Mark 7 guns with the the others launching the torpedoes close to the Sakura Fleet

At First The Sakura Fleet was glad that the 1st wave of Torpedoes didn't hit them but suddenly the Torpedoes changed direction(Because of the wind and waves it allows the torpedoes to go into a different direction) hitting some of the shipgirls before they could even reacts

While this is happening The Kamikaze planes that Amagi, and Taiyo sent headed to the Battleship and Carrier shipgirl

The shipgirls tried there best to shoot the Kamikaze planes with there AA guns, but because of the strong winds the bullets of the AA guns have gone into different directions and they only destroy a few Kamikaze Planes, but nevertheless The Kamikaze planes hit there target, The Kamikaze planes crashed sending fires and shrapnel at the ship causing serious damage but thanks to the strong rain the fires at the Sakura Fleets ships disappeared 

But Lightning bolt hit Akagi's ship causing a huge explosion inside Akagi's ship, knocking her out

As the rest saw this Kaga gave the order to withdraw as there were to many injured shipgirls on the side with some by getting hit with Arkansas AP and HE shells

And so the Sakura Fleet retreated making everyone in Arkansas group shout at there Victory and so they returned back to Amagi's fleet

Unknown to then 2 Dragon Empery Light Cruiser shipgirls recorded the whole fight and tries to head to Azur Lane to report this until Mass Produced Sirens came and when Arkansas saw this she broke up with the fleet to help them escape from the mass produced siren ship and as the 2 successfully escape Arkansas successfully returned to the Amagi's fleet and returned back to the Naval Base in Samar

To be continued

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