Chapter 23

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As Enterprise lost the Battle, we could see Eagle Union shipgirls picking up Enterprise and taking her to the infirmary with Yorktown going close to Takao and spoke

Yorktown: I hope you, didn't injure her too much

Takao: Don't worry Ms. Yorktown, I made sure I damage her wisdom cube a little, It'll be up to you how will you punish her

Yorktown: I see

Takao: When we recover we will start heading to the Main Siren Base, I managed to locate where they are hiding

Yorktown: Very well then 

and from there they both separated ways preparing for there all out assault on the sirens to end them once and for all

As For QE(Queen Elizabeth), Hood, and Belfast, they were taken back to UK for the Higher ups of the Royal Navy to decide what to do with them

As they found out they were guilty, there ships were ordered to be scrapped and they will be in exile at St. Helena for 50 years with 500 Voluntary Soldiers and 20 Shipgirls guarding the island to prevent them from escaping in any form of way, there ships will be rebuilt if they prove that they changed after those 50 years

As for Enterprise, her ship was scrapped and was not allowed to fight anymore until Yorktown says so, and she was put in Alcatraz Island and was locked up from there with 300 Voluntary Soldiers and 15 Shipgirls guarding the place and double checks the locks and escape routes incase Enterprise escapes because of her luck

Yorktown requested Mikasa and Takao to seal her luck a week later as Enterprise almost escaped from then 10 times to save her ship from being scrapped, to which The two agreed and used there powers to seal her luck and only Takao and Mikasa could remove it, giving the Eagle Union workers enough time to scrap her ship

With the traitors in prison, Azur lane started to Prepare there final Battle against the sirens, which was located at the worst place possible

The Bermuda Triangle

As a matter in fact That was the first place where the Sirens appeared and started attacking humanity so why didn't the humans noticed this?

With that aside with the Sirens location revealed the Shipgirls trained harder than before and after 2 months of preparation with Yorktown, Takao, Bismarck, Nagato, and Valiant finalizing the plan to attack them, they started to leave the base with many people shouting good luck on them as they will face there final battle

A few meters away from the Bermuda Triangle

We could see Takao's fleet Launching there Kamikaze planes with Fighter, Dive Bomber, and Torpedo bomber planes following them

Takao: It's time to use it *Unsheathes her sword* Final Act, Act 12: War of Raijin and Fūjin!(War of the Wind God and the Thunder God)

as she said this her sword shine with a small beam of light heading to the clouds, a few seconds later, clouds started to darken with lightning rumbling as if someone in the heavens are fighting

And from here the final battle will begin

To be continued

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