Chapter 21

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Evening at the Secret Base at Samar

As Sakura Empire shipgirls left the base to set up a meeting with Ironblood, We could see The Shipgirls of Takao's fleet heads to the dining hall to eat dinner until they saw a lot of food being cooked by Takao with Musashi's help and were at the table with plates, spoons and forks prepared

At the shipgirls saw this they heading to there respective seats and waited for Takao to came, and after a few minutes Takao came with a Philippine Eagle standing on her right arm and from there she spoke

Takao: Everyone a few hours ago I sent this eagle to a location where Yorktown, The Leader of the Eagle Union is to tell her why WW2 started and to heal her injury for our coup, and the coup worked with Enterprise along the other traitors are finally in Jail, Tonight we celebrate as the Battle of Azur Lane and Crimson Axis will come into an end, For Humanity and for the future to come!

All: For Humanity and for the future to come!

And then they started to eat there dinner with there smile on there faces as the Azur Lane and Crimson Axis will end there war tomorrow

The next day 

At the Azur Lane HQ

We could see Yorktown, Nagato, Valiant(New Leader of the Royal Navy since Warspite can't lead the navy), and Bismarck signing an agreement of reversing siren tech to finish the sirens once and for all with Takao overseeing the operation with Takao's fleet acting as the guards at the prison where the traitors are and some where guarding the perimeter of the base incase the sirens appeared 

As the leader of each faction signed the agreement Yorktown spoke to the shipgirls that were at the area where the signing take place

Yorktown: Today, I Yorktown, Current leader of the Eagle Union hereby declare that the Azur Lane and Crimson Axis war has officially ended with the help of Ms. Takao and her fleet to reveal us that this war is pointless and with this war ending let us all unite to end the sirens once and for all!

as she said this the shipgirls shouted in joy as the war between them has finally ended

until an Explosion could be heard where the Prisoners are with siren mass produced ships appearing around the base

Takao: Just as I predicted there here to take the prisoners out *pulls out her Radio to call her fleet* Did the Prisoners escape?!

New York(at the radio): Yes the siren humanoid escorted them out of the prison while we are busy killing and fighting the siren humanoids and ships

Takao: I see tell everyone to engage them, Reinforcements will arrive shortly, Leave Enterprise to me *Looks at her pocketwatch* The Time is right to engage her

New York: Roger that Takao

as the call ended The Shipgirls quickly headed to the docks to summon there riggings with Takao summoning her riggings and draw her sword and puts the tip of the blade on the Water and spoke

Takao: Act 3 and 10: Illusion of the Great Waves off Kanagawa

as this happens the blade shined with the water responding 

Let the battle begin

To be continued

(Announcement: This Story will end at Chapter 25(Epilogue), I made a miscalculation on how this story will end but that is the final chapter where the story will end that's all)

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