Chapter 17

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At The Secret Naval Base at Samar

We could see Takao's fleet docking the ships with there guns aimed at the Sakura Empire shipgirls just in case they done something stupid while Takao is talking to Nagato, Akagi and Mikasa

Inside Takao's Office

We could see Takao saying the terms if they wanted the alliance of Takao's fleet 

one of the terms are not using siren ships and cancelling Project Orochi completely

Takao: If these conditions were met then I'll let my fleet join the Sakura Empire

Nagato: I see Akagi do you agree at these terms?

Akagi: Yes Lady Nagato

Mikasa: Wise Choice

and from there Nagato signed the terms of alliance on the paper Takao made and then Nagato presented it to the Sakura Fleet which made Takao's fleet stop pointing the guns at the Sakura shipgirls

and as Takao came out from her office Atago, Choukai, and Maya tried to get close to her until New York beats them first

New York: Hey Takao!

Takao: Yes?

New York: Could you take me to the convenience store, I ran out of cigarettes

Takao: I see, I also have to buy something there to for the Destroyers and Submarines, Musashi take care of the base and guest while I'm gone

Musashi: On it

and then Takao and New York left 

Atago: Ara~ Ara~ It seems I've found someone trying to steal Takao away from us

Maya: Atago calm down-

Atago: No one was ever dared to get Takao's attention non other than me, that girl if she want's war so be it

And from there Choukai and Maya sweatdropped as a killing aura is released by Atago directly to New York

At New York's side

New York: You're sister, Atago is kinda scary you know, I kinda felt her scary aura from behind when we are leaving

Takao: Sorry about that, I'll talk to her later

New York: Of course you could fix everything, after all your her older sister

and then the two shared a quick kiss before they ride at Takao's motorcycle and head to the convenience store

and as they head to the convenience store they started to buy some things that the others needed including New York's Cigarettes and then they buy some 3 boxes Ice cream for everyone and then heads home

As they head home they placed the 3 ice cream boxes at the freezer and from there Takao started to cook there dinner with the ingredients available with New York Helping her at cooking

and then after an hour the Dinner was cooked with the Sakura Empire putting the food that they also prepared at the table and then everyone eat at the table

New York: Hey Takao open your mouth

Takao: No need New York I could eat on my own

New York: You don't want to taste the food I cooked?

and then Takao saw New York's sad but cute face and then she sighs as she open her mouth making New York to spoon-feed her shocking everyone including Atago

Takao: Hmm it's delicious

New York: Thank you 

and from there Atago snapped, that was the final straw 

as the shipgirls except for Takao and a few noticed Atago aura starting to appear, Arkansas spoke

Arkansas: Hey Takao can you help me serve the Ice cream for the others 

Takao: Oh sure

and so Takao left with Arkansas and the other Shipgirls Kids(Submarines and Destroyers) New York spoke

New York: Jealous Ms. Atago

Atago: Let's take this conversation outside with a duel shall we?

New York: If you say so

To be continued

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