21. Whipped.

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We reach PU after travelling 45 minutes in his car. Yes, it was difficult getting permission from my mother for this trip, but all that matters is that she agreed.

I get out of the car and look at the campus in awe. My dream college. Here's where I'd be getting my diploma 3 years later. I can't help but imagine myself in a black gown and scholar's hat on the stage, getting my diploma, my parents in the audience with tears in their eyes.

"So..?" Abhay asks, standing beside me, as we face the huge campus. "PU, huh?"

"Soon." I say, more to myself than to him.

"Let's go." He takes my hand in his, and kisses the back of my hand, and we walk to the gate.

"Visitor?" The guard asks and I nod.

"Sorry ma'am, but visitors aren't allowed today." He says.

"What? Why?" Abhay asks.

"We've a Grad ceremony today, and so visitors aren't allowed." He explains.

"Oh no, don't worry, we won't go that way. We'll just see the rest of the campus." Abhay assures him.

"I'm sorry, sir." He shakes his head.

"Fine, call your Dean. I'll talk to him." Abhay says, his voice laced with arrogance. I tuck at his hand, trying to make him realise it wasn't appropriate. But he doesn't budge.

"Go on, call him." He says, challengingly.

"I'm sorry, sir. You need to make an appointment 15 days prior for that." The guard calmly replies.

"I don't have patience for you.." Abhay starts arguing with him agitated, when a man, dressed up in a slim-fit, all black tuxedo, passing by stops there and looks at the verbal argument going on here.

"Hello, sir." He politely interrupts. "I'm the Dean here. Ashish Bansal." He forwards his hand out to Abhay. "May I help you?"

"Sure. I'm Abhishek and this is Ayesha. And we're here to visit the campus." He introduces.

"Oh, we're glad to have you here with us, sir. But unfortunately, we've a Grad ceremony going on and so we're clearly instructed to not allow any visitors inside today." He apologises, giving the same reason.

"I know, and I understand, but look we've travelled a long distance for this today. And I give you my word, we won't, in any way, go to the auditorium area." Mr. Bansal thinks for a minute, before inviting us to his office.

"I'll just write you a letter. And then you guys can go visit the campus." He says, writing down in his notepad, when we enter his office.

"Can I see your IDs?" He asks, and Abhay pulls out his ID.

"Do you have your security with you, sir? I mean, you may find some of your fangirls here." He chuckles and shakes his head. I narrow my eyes and look at him.

'I've my eyes on only you, babe.' He mouths to me. And I turn my face away to hide the blush.

"This is amazing!" I whisper in awe, seeing the campus full of history and discovery, starting right from the big yard around the campus to all the libraries inside stacked with books, to the huge classrooms that could accommodate at least a hundred students at once. The classrooms, although now empty, seemed so full and dreamy.

"I can't believe I'm here." I say to Abhay.

"Sit down." I look at him as if saying 'are you crazy?'. We're just visitors here, after all, not the real students, and I don't think we're allowed to touch something here either. "Come on, sit down." He encourages me. And I sit down at a desk closest to me and not gonna lie, this is the best feeling ever.

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