23. A contract.

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Okay, here we go.

I stop in my way as soon as my eyes meet the only eyes they ever wish to meet. That is, hers. The girl I think about every fucking day and night, all the time. The girl I want so much but.. I'm afraid to be with her. Ayesha.

My sister stands up on seeing me and throws a glare my way. She hates how I enter her "premises" without any knock, but in my defense, I do knock once and open the door at the same time.

"Abhay!" She greets me and then turns to face Ayesha, who's not even looking up to look at me. Why aren't you looking at me, Ayesha?

"The company we just signed? Ayesha's their youngest daughter." My sister tells me with a smile. Ayesha smiles at her, but not me. Why aren't you smiling at me, Aish?

"I should go. It's.. it's getting late." Ayesha stands up, still speaking to my sister. My sister looks between us, probably wondering why didn't we greet each other even after getting introduced. I squint my eyes at her and she gives me her 'what have you done now?' look. I silently ask her to give us a few moments and she stands up.

"Okay, then, I'll leave you two love birds alone." Ayesha turns her head towards my sister as fast as she could, with widened eyes and open mouth. She then turns to me and glares at me.

I take a step towards her and she sits down in her seat again. I go around the desk and sit in my sister's chair.

"How does she know?" She asks.

"I don't hide anything from my sisters." I tell her.

She scans the room, and then her eyes slowly drop to mine. And as I'd expected they don't stop there. Her eyes rake my whole body, and it burns, the spot wherever her eyes land on my body, it burns.

Come on Ayesha, I know you want me as much as I want you.

And as if she's reading my mind, she gets up from her seat, turns around the desk and stops exactly in front of my chair.

I look up at her and for a moment her eyes glitter with what seems like tears, but she covers it up quickly. She takes my hands from my lap to make space for herself there and then holds my face in her hands.

"No more secrets?" She asks in a timid voice.

"No more secrets." I assure her. Leaning forward, I capture her lips in a kiss.

"You promise?" She asks, in between the kisses.

"I do." I nod.

Her mouth comes back to mine and the tip of my tongue reaches hers when she pulls back to catch some air. I don't care if she wants to catch air, I just wasn't her mouth back on mine. So, I hold the back of her neck and bring her lips to mine again.

My thumbs stroke her cheekbones, her fingers wrap in my hair, finding the edges of my ears, the tender spot where the jaw meets neck, the indentation in my chin. Her lips following her fingers everywhere. Everywhere she touched, everywhere she kissed, it's as if she's taking those parts with her.

I stop her and bring her lips to mine back but she tilts her head and instead her lips work down my chin, on my neck, ferociously.

I open my mouth and gasp for air. I try to get her to stop. We're in my sister's office.

"Aish. Office." But the next thing I hear is the zipper of my pants.

She looks up at me, to ask for permission, and I nod. A slight nod, that's all I could muster.

30 Days with Mr. Hotshot❤ |A Shubman Gill Fanfic|Where stories live. Discover now