5. Back To Work

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"Tasha," Amelia mumbled as she stood in the doorway of the redhead's bedroom door with a tear-stained face and red puffy eyes.

Natasha stirred from her sleep and took in the eight-year-old's presence in the doorway of her bedroom. "Hey маленький," she said softly.

"I can't sleep," Amelia confessed as her bottom lip wobbled. "I had a nightmare again," she added quietly.

"Oh, you did?" Natasha asked as she instantly sat up in bed and motioned the eight-year-old towards her. "Come here маленький," she said.

Amelia didn't hesitate to run to Natasha's bed and crawl under the duvet where she found the most comfort after a nightmare.

"I'm scared," Amelia whimpered out in fear.

Natasha ran her fingers through the younger brunette's hair as Amelia made herself comfortable in the older women's embrace. "You don't need to be scared sweetheart because I'm here to keep you safe, okay?" she reassured the smaller girl.

"Okay," Amelia said quietly.

"Close those eyes for me детка," Natasha said quietly as she continued to run her fingers through the child's hair and hum a Russian lullaby to try to coax the eight-year-old back to sleep.

Hearing the soft snores of the child ten minutes later, Natasha smiled softly as Amelia wrapped her arms around the redhead and was sleeping contently on her chest.

It had been two weeks since Amelia was brought to the farm with Natasha and Clint and during this time, the eight-year-old had adjusted well and become close to everyone. Amelia had practically attached herself to Natasha and the Russian redhead had no objection at all to the comfort the eight-year-old sought out.

The last couple of nights, Natasha had woken up in the middle of the night to find Amelia standing in her bedroom doorway and tonight was no different, she would crawl under the duvet and Natasha didn't mind that at all, she was happy that the child trusted her enough to come to her in the middle of the night with a nightmare and she didn't mind the kicks to the ribs or the nudges to elbow in the meantime.

A few hours later, Natasha woke up with an elbow to the face and she groaned before she gazed her eyes down to the eight-year-old who had her head rested on her chest and slept peacefully. Her attention was drawn from the child when she realized her phone was vibrating on the bedside table next to her.

"What?" Natasha answered the phone harshly.

The voice on the other end of the phone let out a chuckle. "Good morning to you too, Agent Romanoff." He spoke.

Natasha exhaled a sigh. "What do you want, Nick? It's 7 am in the morning," she said annoyed after being woken up.

"And here I thought that you never slept-" Fury stated as Natasha cut him off.

"Is there a reason why you're calling me so early? My kids' asleep next to me and if you wake her up, I swear to god-" It was now Fury's turn to cut Natasha off.

"Actually Agent Romanoff, there is a reason that I have called you," Fury stated.

"And what would that be?" Natasha wondered as she sat in bed slowly, careful to not awake the eight-year-old.

"How soon can you meet me?" Fury questioned.

Natasha furrowed her eyebrow in confusion. "What?" she asked.

"There's a mission that I need you on, so I need you to meet with me so I can go over the intelligence with you," Fury explained through the phone.

"I can be with you in the next few hours," Natasha told him.

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