11. Can I call you Mama?

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"I thought that was were going home? Why are we back at Tony's house?" Amelia asked confused as she peered outside of the car window to see they were at Tony's Malibu home.

"I thought that you liked Tony," Natasha asked amusedly, she was now changed into her familiar Black Widow suit as she held her hand out for the child to take.

The sight would be funny to see to most people the deadly assassin holding hands with an innocent child but Natasha knew that the child in her care meant the world to her and she would do anything to protect her.

"I do like Tony but I want to go home instead," Amelia said as shrugged her shoulders loosely before she held onto Natasha's hand as they headed towards the house.

"We won't be here too long детка," Natasha reassured the child as they walked through the front door and outside towards the back where Coulson was, along with Fury and Tony who were deep in conversation. "малышка, you remember Coulson, right?" she asked as she gestured towards the agent who stood off to the side.

"Yeah! He was there the day when I bit Hunter," Amelia couldn't help but giggle. "Hi, Mr Coulson!" she called over to the man.

"That isn't something to be proud of малышка,"  Natasha told her as she shook her head but couldn't help the small smile that appeared on her lips.

Coulson walked over to the two of them. "Hi Amelia, it's good to see you again!" he said as he smiled warmly before he looked at the older redhead. "Hello, Natasha," he added.

Natasha smiled slightly and nodded. "Hey, Coulson. Do you mind if you just keep an eye on Amelia while I go and take care of something for Fury?" she questioned.

Amelia frowned as she looked up at Natasha. "Are we leaving me, mama?" she asked wearily.

There was that familiar name again that made Natasha's heart flutter, she really needed to find the time to speak to the small child about her feelings and if she even means to call it her, or if she is just doing it to remain undercover.

"No, no, детка. Of course not!" Natasha said as she looked at the innocent eight-year-old with wide eyes. "I won't leave you but I have to help Fury with something, so I just need you to stay with Coulson while I do that. I won't be long, I promise!" she reassured the child.

Amelia pouted but nodded. "Okay, mama. I'll stay here with Mr Coulson," she agreed.

"Good girl, детка," Natasha said as she pressed a kiss to the top of Amelia's head and walked away.

Amelia sat aside from Coulson and busied herself with taking her sketchbook and crayons out of her bag to occupy herself as Coulson fumbled with cards in his hands.

"Mr Coulson, what have you got there?" Amelia questioned curiously as she peered over to look closer.

Coulson smiled and moved the cards in Amelia's direction for her to have a closer look. "These are my Captain America trading cards," He explained as he handed them to her to look at.

"Iron Man is better, Mr Coulson!" Amelia exclaimed as she looked at them and saw the man in blue holding a shield.

Coulson playfully gasped and shook his head. "I don't know about that," he stated boldly.

Amelia couldn't help but giggle. "Maybe one day if you meet Captain America then you can have him sign your trading cards," she told him as she handed them back to him.

"Maybe one day that will happen, Amelia," Coulson agreed as he accepted the cards back and stuffed them in his suit pocket. "What  are you drawing there?" He asked.

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