25. Conversations

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"Time to say goodbye, маленький паук," Natasha turned around to face Amelia who sat in the back of the Shield Car they'd borrowed for the journey out into the city. "You ready?" she asked.

Amelia looked truly heartbroken at the realisation that she would have to say goodbye. "Already? But when will I be able to see them again?" she wondered.

"Hey, come on sweetheart. Don't worry," Clint turned around and flashed a grin to the upset child. "You still have me!" he added.

"It's not the same though Uncle Clint," Amelia continued to pout as she unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the car door.

"What?" Clint gasped at the response he was given. "I gotta say it. I'm offended," He playfully joked, clutching his hand over his heart.

"You just can't accept the fact that she likes Iron Man better," Natasha couldn't help but laugh at her best friends' antics as she climbed out of the car and helped her daughter out.

"I mean. That statement speaks for itself," Clint defended his words as she climbed out of the car.

The nine-year-old took a hold of her mama's hand and walked over to where Thor and Loki stood in the middle. The younger redhead couldn't help but giggle as she noted how Loki was handcuffed and had a muzzle over his face.

"Uncle Tony!" The nine-year-old exclaimed, wanting nothing more than to run over to the man who she spotted exiting his car with a briefcase in his hand.

"Hey, kiddo!" Tony grinned, catching the child in his arms as he scooped her up with ease and carried her back to where Natasha was. "Stay put here. I gotta take care of something," he told her, patting her head.

Steve was soon to arrive, climbing off his bike and catching up with them.

"Hi!" Amelia grinned at the blonde man, waving from where she stood beside the older redhead.

"Hello," Steve greeted the excitable child with his own kind smile.

"Tiny Misguardian," Thor approached the child as he bent down slightly and held up a square-packed object from behind him. "Poptarts for you, as promised,"

Amelia grinned widely and eagerly accepted the poptarts that she was given. "Thank you, Thor!" she said gratefully.

Tony, along with the rest of the Avengers looked completely baffled. "When did you get the time to go and shop for Poptarts, Pointbreak?" he questioned.

"I am a God. I have my ways Stark," Thor bellowed proudly.

"Touche," Tony muttered while rolling his eyes at Thor. "Let's just get this over and done with," he added.

"Gotta say. I'm impressed," Natasha couldn't help but smirk.

"I always keep my promises, Lady Romanoff," Thor told the woman with a kind smile, even if he did slightly fear her sometimes.

Amelia watched Selvig with interest as he takes out the glass cylinder from his truck while Tony opened the briefcase on the ground. Bruce held up the blue cube that glowed with a pair of tongues and put it inside the glass cylinder that Selvig had a hold of.

The girl continued to watch Thor and Selvig as they shook hands with one another and then God made his way to say goodbye to everyone, the nine-year-old herself included.

"Goodbye, Tiny Misguardian. You will have to come and visit soon," Thor said leaning towards Amelia and embracing the child in a hug.

"Nope. That is not ever happening," Natasha piped in, protectively from where she stood beside her daughter. "I told you before. My daughter remains here, on earth, at all times," she added.

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