24. Victory!

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"Grandpa Nick!" Amelia exclaimed as she ran through into the comms room to find Nick Fury standing there, watching the screens.

Nick Fury turned around and smiled fondly at the child who was running towards him, "Hey, trouble," he greeted her.

"I'm sorry about what happened to Coulson," Amelia told him with a pouted lip. "Mama told me what happened. I know he was a friend of yours," she added.

Fury gave the 9-year-old a sad smile and knelt down to her level, "Thanks, kid. What are you up to?" he questioned.

"Beating Hunter at video games. He's such a sore loser!" Amelia stated as she grinned widely.

Fury can't help but chuckle amusedly, "I can imagine that he is," he agreed.

"Do you know when my mama will be back?" The younger redhead questioned. "I miss her, uncle Clint and even Tony, and the rest of them," she said with a small giggle.

"Well, I'm sure that your mama will be back by bedtime, you know that she won't that," Fury reassured her.

"Sir, the council is on," Maria interrupted the two of them.

Fury exhaled a sigh before he stood up, "Alright, trouble, I gotta go talk to some important people," he stated as he ruffled the top of her hair, earning a groan from the child. "I'll see you later, okay?" he asked.

"I'm gonna go find Hunter again and kick his butt!" Amelia exclaimed before she darted off in the other direction.

Nick Fury glanced at Bobbi, who was quick to follow after the 9-year-old, "Keep an eye on her, Agent Morse. She's a wild one," he stated amusedly before turning his attention to Maria and the computer screens.

Natasha is going to town as she fights the warrior, she is thrown into a car. As a widow is about to attack, Natasha uses her widow bites on it, shocking him. Grabbing the Chitauri gun, she shoots him back. Somebody lands behind her but she quickly turns around to aim her gun but finds that it's Cap instead so she stands down and leans against a car.

Natasha was truly going to town as she fought off the warriors, one by one. Getting thrown into a nearby car, she let out a groan of pain as a warrior came near, ready to attack. Not giving the chance, she used her widow bites and shocked it.

Grabbing the Chitauri gun, the redhead shoots the warrior as an unknown person lands behind her, in a quick stance, she turns around and is ready to aim her gun at them until she realises that it's Captain America, and so she stands down and moves to lean against the car.

"Captain, none of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal," The redhead informed the man that lead it all.

Captain briefly glanced at the Chitauri and sighed, "Our biggest guns couldn't touch it," he told her.

"Well, maybe it's not about guns," Natasha said.

"If you wanna get up there, you're gonna need a ride," Captain replied.

Natasha glanced up as she spotted the Chitauri crafts that flew past before she made her way over to the other side of the overpass.

"I got a ride," The widow stated as she turned back to look at Steve. "I could use a boost though," she added.

Captain looked at the redhead hesitantly, "You sure about this?" he questioned, readying his shield in front of him.

"Yeah," Natasha briefly looked up at the sky. "It's gonna be fun," she mumbled.

Natasha ran at the Captain, who used his shield to boost her up. Once she was up in the air, she grabbed onto a passing Chitauri, she climbed onto the craft and pulls her dagger out to swiftly stab the warrior.

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