16. Reunited

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The following morning, Bobbi was already awake and sat up in bed as she waited for the energetic 9-year-old girl to wake up so she could fill her in on the good news.

"Hey there, sleepy-head," Bobbi spoke as she noticed the younger girl was awake, tiredly rubbing at her eyes. "I wondered when you were going to wake up. I thought that you would sleep all day," she teased lightly.

Amelia let out a small yawn and giggled. "I can't sleep all day, Bobbi. That's silly," she stated.

"Right. Of course, it is. I have good news for you sweetheart," Bobbi said to the young child who instantly started to perk up. "We've been given the all-clear to head to the Hellicarrier," she explained.

Amelia knitted her eyebrows in confusion. "What's a Hellicarrier?" she wondered.

"Well, it's like the Quinjet that you've been on before but this is just much bigger both on the inside and outside," Bobbi explained to the smaller redhead. "It's like a ship, that can also go up in the air," she added.

"That sounds so cool! Will my mama be there to meet us?" Amelia questioned curiously, she was eager to see her mama since it had now been at least 24 hours now and she was missing the older redhead.

"I don't know about that yet, kid but I know that Hill will be there for sure," Bobbi said as she smiled.

Amelia titled her head to the side in confusion. "Maria?" she asked.

"Yeah, Maria will be there to meet us kid," Bobbi agreed with the smaller redhead.

At those words, Amelia gave a wide smile and immediately jumped off the bed. "Let's go, Bobbi!" she declared, moving to run towards the door.

"Hold on a second there kid," Bobbi chuckled and held her arm out to gently pull the overly excited 9-year-old back. "Before you go anywhere, you need to get changed first. You can't go out in your pyjamas," she told her.

"Why not?" Amelia whined.

"It's not practical," Bobbi explained.

"But why isn't it? I want to stay like I am," Amelia continued to whine.

Bobbi exhaled a sigh. "Because-- You know what, I don't have the time to sit here and explain. Just go and get ready, kid," Bobbi told her, ignoring the whiney protests from the child.

"Fine," Amelia was reluctant to agree. "You're so bossy," she mumbled as she sulked off to the bathroom with the clothes that she wore the previous night.

Bobbi shook her head and chuckled. "I heard that little miss!" she called out.

"You were supposed to," Amelia replied back cheekily.

"Right this way, Doctor," Natasha led Bruce across the field towards the Quinjet that was in the middle of a grassy field.

Bruce couldn't help but smirk slightly. "You didn't have to get a fancy Quinjet to just bring me in you know," he told her.

"Don't flatter yourself, Doctor. Our Quinjet's are practical to get to places quicker. Now let's hurry and get on board," Natasha gestured for the doctor to follow him.

Bruce walked up the ramp of the Quinjet behind the redhead. "Is there something important that you need to get back to, Natasha?" he wondered.

"No, more like someone at least," Natasha told him.

"I see," Bruce said as he nodded his head slightly. "Well, I'm sorry that you had to come out here for me. Must be someone important?" he asked.

"Yes, she is," Natasha paused and smiled slightly. "My daughter," she told him truthfully, she figured she might as well considering the child would more than likely follow her around once she saw her.

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