15. We're Under Attack

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"Uncle Clint?" Amelia peered up to look at her uncle from where she sat, while Clint stood beside her and observed an object that she could only describe as a large blue ice cube.

"Yeah, munchkin?" Clint questioned, looking down at the 9-year-old who looked utterly dumbfounded.

"Why are we up here watching over an ice cube?" Amelia asked the man curiously.

Clint couldn't help but laugh and shake his head. "Well, for one, it's not an ice cube munchkin, and two, the view up here is better," he explained to her amusedly.

"But uncle Clint, it looks like an ice cube!" Amelia insisted.

"It's not an ice cube, sweetheart," Clint said, shaking his head amused.

"Whatever you say, Birdbrain," Amelia told him with a grin plastered on her face.

Clint gasped playfully. "Hey! What did we talk about you calling me that?" he questioned.

Amelia can't help but giggle at the look Clint's giving her. "I don't know, my mama encourages me to call you that," she told him.

"Oh yeah? I'll be having words with her when I see her next!" Clint exclaimed while he grinned.

"Look, I see Grandpa Nick!" Amelia exclaimed excitedly, pointing over to where Nick Fury had entered the room and spoke with another agent. "Can we go and see him?" she asked.

Clint nodded as he heard Fury speak into his ear through comms. "Looks like you've got your wish. Come on kid," he smiled and picked her up. "Hold on tightly," he added as he held onto the 9 -year-old and went down the zip wire to meet the director.

"Grandpa Nick!" Amelia exclaimed, all but throwing herself at the older man once Clint had let her go.

"Whoa, hello there trouble," Fury chuckled, caught off guard by the 9-year-old launching herself at him, lucky enough he was quick to catch her in his arms. "I gave you this detail so you could keep a close eye on things," he spoke directly to Clint.

"I'm helping uncle Clint keep watch on the ice cube!" Amelia told the man excitedly.

"Ice cube?" Fury questioned amusedly.

"Uh-huh," Amelia agreed as she grinned.

Fury couldn't help but smile at the girl's childish excitement and ruffled her hair. "Have you seen anything that might set this thing off?" he questioned the other man.

"No one's come or gone. And Selvig's clean," Clint explained to his boss. "No contacts. No IMs. If there was any tampering, sir. It wasn't at this end," he continued to explain.

"At this end?" Fury questioned.

"Yeah, the Cube is a doorway to the other end of space, right? Doors open from both sides," Clint explained to the man as he looked over at the cube.

"Not yet," Fury muttered his head in disagreement.

Fury knew he shouldn't have spoken too soon, as if those words made it start up and there was odd behaviour, as there was a reaction from the ice cube. Amelia, who still sat in Fury's arms looked slightly terrified by what was going on around.

"Grandpa, what's going on?" Amelia cried out in fear. "Uncle Clint!" she cried out for her uncle, who looked like he was in danger.

"Damn it!" Fury spoke out loud, automatically turning to the nearest agent which just so happened to be Coulson. "Coulson, take Amelia and get out of here, now!" he said alarmed at the distraught child in his arms.

"Copy that," Coulson agreed, gently prying Amelia out of Fury's arms who held on with a tight grip.

"Grandpa! No, I don't want to leave you!" Amelia cried out in fear, hell she was only 9 years old and she had never seen this sort of stuff happen before. "Grandpa!" she repeated.

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