7. Run-In With Mr Stark

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"Tasha! Wake up," Amelia said while she poked the redhead, she was sat on top of her on the bed as she waited for the woman to stir.

It was barely even 6 am when the small red headed child came barrelling into Natasha's bedroom and jumped right on top of her to wake the redhead who was yet to stir.

"Tasha," Amelia said as she continued to shake poke the woman.

After a few more pokes at the older woman, it didn't take Natasha long to stir from her sleep as she squinted her eyes open and spotted the eight-year-old sat literally on top of her.

"You're awake," Amelia exclaimed happily at the sight of the woman awake while the redhead didn't look as enthusiastic about being woken up.

"I'm awake," Natasha stated in agreement.

"I'm bored, Tasha!" Amelia was quick to pout and move around on the bed.

Natasha took a brief look at the time on her phone beside her before she groaned inwardly. "It's early, детка. Go back to sleep," she mumbled before she started to close her eyes again.

Amelia wasn't happy with that and she didn't want to go back to sleep.

"Tasha, come on, wake up," детка said as she started to shake the older woman again for her to wake up.

Natasha remained to keep her eyes shut as she lazily pushed Amelia to lie down on the bed. "детка, go back to sleep," she mumbled.

Amelia huffed and sat back up on the bed in protest. "But Tasha, I am bored," she insisted as she once again poked the woman awake.

"And I want to go back to sleep," Natasha said in a hoarse voice, moving her hand to push the eight-year-old back down to lie in the bed as she pulled the duvet over her. "Close your eyes and sleep, Малышка," she told her.

"Tasha!" Amelia whined as she rolled over and started to poke the woman's face.

Natasha exhaled a sigh and opened her eyes, coming face to face with the eight-year-old. "You're not going to let me sleep are you?" she questioned.

"Nope," Amelia stated with a grin on her face.

Natasha groaned and she soon realized she wasn't going to sleep any time soon. "Alright, alright. I'm getting up!" she told her as she opened her eyes and sat up in bed, she rubbed her eyes.

"Yes!" Amelia cheered as she jumped up and down on the bed.

Natasha narrowed her eyes to the child who had way too much energy this morning. "You know you're a pain in my ass, right?" she stated as she threw back the duvet and climbed out of bed.

Amelia plopped down onto Natasha's bed and gasped. "You said a bad word!" she exclaimed.

Natasha rolled her eyes as she walked out of the room and down the hall, into the kitchen. "What do you want for breakfast, Amelia?" she questioned the eight-year-old who was following her closely behind.

"Doughnuts!" Amelia exclaimed as she climbed onto the chair in front of the counter.

Natasha gazed over at the clock, she already knew that today was going to be a long day. "You can't eat doughnuts for breakfast, how about something else instead?" she offered.

Amelia shook her head. "No. I want doughnuts," she insisted.

"You can't have doughnuts," Natasha repeated as she resisted the urge to roll her eyes again while she moved over to the coffee machine to turn it on.

"But I want them," Amelia said.

Natasha exhaled a sigh, "Okay, listen, how about we go and get doughnuts later?" she offered and paused while she opened the cupboards. "For now, we'll stick with... Cereal, hey, lucky charms. They look good, right?" she questioned.

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