12. Surprise Visit!

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"Can we play on the beach again today, mama?" Amelia questioned excitedly as she sat on the stool in the kitchen while she swung her legs back and forth as she happily munched on her poptarts per her request of what she wanted to eat for breakfast.

"Not today," Natasha paused to pour herself a fresh mug of coffee from the pot. "I have to go with Pepper to do something really important, so you're going to spend some time with Fury and everyone else," she explained before she took a sip of the delicious caffeine.

Last night after Amelia went to sleep, she spoke to Clint again through text and they arranged between the two of them for Clint to surprise Amelia today, since he would be needed for a mission soon, and what better opportunity to hang out with the eight-year-old.

Of course, Natasha was keeping that a surprise from Amelia though.

Amelia instantly pouted at those words. "I don't want to spend time with Fury. Why can't I come with you?" she asked upset.

"Because it won't be safe today for me to take you with us," Natasha answered simply.

"That's what you said the other day, mama!" Amelia argued with the older redhead.

"I know, but I mean it today. It's not going to be practical for an eight-year-old," Natasha told h65er.

Amelia crossed her arms and scowled the best that she could. "I'm almost 9, mama!" she declared.

"Oh yeah?" Natasha asked amusedly with a raise of her eyebrow. "Maybe when you're 9 then I will reconsider the dangers but until then, it's a firm no, you're going to stay at SHIELD where I know you're safe, understood?" Natasha stated firmly.

"You're being mean!" Amelia said, continuing to deepen the scowl on her face but Natasha couldn't help but find it adorable.

"No, I am just trying to protect you, little one. One day you will understand the difference," Natasha told her while she smiled softly.

"Millie, it's time to go!" Natasha called out as she walked into Amelia's bedroom, she wore a black dress and a pair of heels with her red hair in curls.

"No, I don't want to go to stupid SHIELD!" Amelia exclaimed as she lay on her bed in a sulk, she wasn't exactly fond of having to be there all day.

Natasha sighed and stepped further into her daughter's bedroom. "Millie, we've already been over this and I told you that I cannot take you with me today," she told her.

"But I want to see Tony and Pepper! It's not fair!" Amelia grumbled as she refused to move off her bed.

"You can see them another day," Natasha said as she pinched the bridge of her nose to keep her temper in check. "Look, I spoke to Bobbi and she's really looking forward to hanging out with you, and Maria might be there as well," she added in the hope that it would cheer the eight-year-old up. 

"I want to stay with you, not them!" Amelia told her upset.

"And I have already told you that you can't today," Natasha told her firmly.

"But that's not fair, mama!" Amelia whined.

"I know, so you keep on telling me but it's not for discussion," Natasha stated, not in the mood for Amelia's change of behaviour. "Now go find your shoes please, we need to leave soon," she told her firmly.

Amelia didn't move an inch from her bed. "No, mama. I don't want to!" she declared, throwing a bear 

Natasha raised an eyebrow at Amelia's behaviour. "Excuse me?" she asked scarily calm.

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