Report No. 31-3: Moving Onto Your Future

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A/n: Again, all characters are 21+ and the car accident scene detected. All readers are to be advised...

Your POV

It's evening, by the time my body is starting to recover from alcoholic beer from the past few days. I am not sure if I am recovered or not. Because I drink beer, I cannot let my mind go of having to think that I am fine. In reality, I was never ok. I maintained my memory, just letting myself remember that I drink beer.

I look on Google, finding the way to get rid of drunk substances away from my body. I have been doing things just for one medium-sized drink. I am still not sure when I am clean again. I would have been foolish if I wasn't able to maintain my mind and memory with extra caution and find a device to measure my intake level.


I am moving out of the building after the speech class is done. I wanted to think that this is over because I wanted to have a clean life, but does that mean that the drunk CEO incident is over? No...

"Are you Y/n L/n, the student in university?" The men in black suits with their black sunglasses approach me. That is my name, so why do they ask me? "You're coming with us."

"But where?" I ask them.

"To her place," He replies to me. I wonder if it is that woman from before who is the CEO of Gradien Art Design Inc. That came to my head as I remember after they both mentioned about her who was drunk in the tavern. I did have a car, but I used the bus instead since I already know that I have been drinking beer for a few days. Here I thought if I have the device, my life would have been easier than wasting time to be at the doctor like last time. But because if it is expensive, I would have gone to the doctor first. He told me that alcohol is bad no matter what, even beer. If I wanted to drive, then I would never do it by drinking. I would have done the same thing as it happened before with my hands.

"Where are here..." By the time the agents brought me to the CEO's place by the car, my eyes became surprised, knowing that she is living in a luxury mansion. I had never been in someone's mansion before when I was invited. I wasn't sure if I was ready to meet up with the CEO who likes the visual designs. Somewhat similar when being an artist. I follow the agents, as they brought me into the family room where I have my eyes meeting with the female CEO of Gradien Art Design Inc.

"Greetings," She starts to greet me. I greet her back, thinking that is rare to see her true face. To be honest, I was upset about the drunk tavern incident. The second part is social media that I ended up running away from. I wasn't prepared for the consequences, but I do know that I let that misunderstanding happen. "No need to be nervous, sit." She demands me. I nod by the time I sit down by the chair. On the table, I see a cup of water that is placed in front of me. I look up, seeing her drinking water by the time she tends to speak with me. "For the introduction, my name is Marita, CEO of Gradien Art Design Inc." Marita introduces her name to me.

"My name is Y/n L/n, it is nice meeting you here." I wasn't unsure but this is an awkward meeting. "Marita, I just wanted to say that..."

"Yes, and I know your past behavior from a few days. You and your friend are drinking alone when being at the tavern. The next part is about social media, is that true?" Marita questions me.

"Yes, you were drunk when you were drinking." I summarize how the drunk woman meets a student in university. "I didn't know why you are drunk after drinking. You are a CEO, so you should know why being drunk is worse than just drinking."

"Indeed, I did make serious consequences of my shameless action in front of public because I was drunk. For this, I am so sorry that I have taken your first kiss." She bows to me after standing up.

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