3# The first kiss

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First kiss

Tony Stark - Iron Man:
It's surprising, but the kiss happened during the third date. You wanted do make sure that you're not another woman on his list. It's hard to suppress the growing feelings for him.
"Thank you for the beautiful date", you smile. Tony squeezes your hand and stop in front of your apartment. "I have to thank you, gorgeous. I really enjoy your company", he replies. Tony leans forward and tries to kiss you. "No way, womanizer!", you laugh and get out of his near. You just forget that he's stubborn like you. Stark grabs your arm and pulls you back to him.
"Come on, (Y/N). How can I show you that you're not like the other women?", he asks and strokes your cheek. Damn it! Tony Stark knows how to make women weak. You look at him with your big eyes, while you shrug your shoulders. "I don't know. Just say it", is your answer. "Okay, I've never met a woman like you and I've never had such feelings", he melts your heart with his words.
"Okay, that's enough for me", you mumble and lean against the wall. Tony comes closer and kisses you to your surprise softly. The butterflies in your stomach go crazy and you like it. "See you, gorgeous", Stark pecks your nose before he leaves you.
Bruce Banner - Hulk:
You know that you have to do the first step, because Bruce is too shy for it. You even don't know how many date you've had with him. It's crazy, but you are really nervous.
"Okay, I have to go now, but I'll see you tomorrow, right?", you make your way to the door. Of course Bruce follows you. "Sure, I can't wait to show my new experiment", he replies with his handsome smile. Your heart skips a beat. "Good. Your work is really fascinating. Um...Bruce?", you stop and look at him.
His chocolate eyes meet your (e/c) ones. "Yes?", he asks surprised. "Um...Never mind", you mumble and turn back. He grabs your arm and turns you to him. "What's wrong, (Y/N)?", Bruce wants to know worried. A slight smile appears on your lips. "Nothing. Everything is fine", you want to change the subject.
"That's lie and we both know it", he is stubborn. You roll your eyes and sigh. "Don't think about it, Bruce. I'll see you tomorrow", you say goodbye and open the door. You have to risk everything. Without a further word you turn around and kiss him. "Now is everything perfect", you smile. Bruce answers with another kiss. "Do you want to stay a little bit longer?", he asks, while he blushes. "Sure", you smile.
Steve Rogers - Captain America:
Steve is on a mission and you are really worried about him. After a few days you and him are really close friends. "You look so sad, (Y/N)", an old lady says. She's one of your regular costumer. A slight smile appears on your lips. "My friend is a soldier and I'm just worried", you answer.
Her eyes soften, while she pats your hand. "Oh, sweetie. You are so brave", the old lady tries to cheer you up. Your gaze switches to the big window. It's a miracle and you can't believe your eyes. "No way! Steve?", you gasp and run outside. With tears in your eyes you almost jump into his arms. "Oh god, I thought you are injured or even dead!", you sob into his chest.
His arms sneak around your waist. "I'm okay. Please, don't be worried about me. I want to see your beautiful smile again, (Y/N)", Steve whispers in your ear. You look at him with red cheeks and give him your best smile. He strokes a lock of hair behind your ear. To your surprise Steve spins you around. You lean your forehead against his.
"I missed you, Steve", you mumble. Without a further word he kisses you. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist", Steve explains and puts you down. You kiss him again. "So a cute couple", the old lady whispers.
James "Bucky" Barnes - Winter Soldier:
You and Bucky have a night movie. "Oh, I love this scene", you mumble. You didn't notice that Bucky is asleep in your lap for an hour. "Kiss her! Come on!", you sigh. The movie kiss is just perfect. You sigh and look at your friend. "Bucky?", you whisper. No response.
 You can't believe it that he sleeps with his head in your lap. "Damn it...", you talk to yourself. You can't stand up, because you won't to wake him up. With a sigh you stroke his head and play with his hair. You shouldn't have this feelings for him, but you really like Bucky.
"What are you doing with me?",you whisper and shake your head. You look at him, because he looks so peaceful. Without thinking you kiss his head. Against your sake a slight smile appears on your lips. You put carefully a pillow under his head so you can leave him alone.
"Please don't leave ... me", you hear Bucky's voice, while he grabs your hand. Surprised you turn around. His hair is messy, but you like it. "I'm sorry that I woke you up. I'll be right there", you point at your bedroom door. "No, don't go", he hugs you tightly. You don't know why, but you kiss Bucky right now. Of course he enjoys the kiss.  
Clint Barton - Hawkeye:
You raise your eyebrows. "No, no, no, no!", you repeat, while you shake your head. Clint next to you laughs and puts his hand on your shoulder. "You lost the bet, (Y/N). Very bad for you", he smiles like an idiot. With a sigh you roll your eyes.
"Alright. What's your wish?", you ask him. Clint puts his hand on his chin as he would think. For a few minutes no one says a word. You push him playfully. "Are you kidding me? Come on, Barton. I know you already have an idea", you wheeze.
He raises his hands in defense. "Okay, you got me. I want a kiss on the cheek", Clint replies and points at his cheek. Your heart skips a beat. "What? A kiss?", you repeat confused. He nods in agreement, while he pulls you closer to him. "Great. Alright", you wheeze nervously. You can feel the heat in your face.
Not really ready for it you lean forward and want to peck his cheek. It's just a little kiss, right? Clint is faster and smarter than you thought. He turns his face to you and kisses you?! In the worst moment you froze and stare at him. Finally after a few seconds you kiss him back. The butterflies in your stomach go crazy.
Natasha Romanoff - Black Widow:
You, Natasha and a lot of alcohol isn't the best combination. "I really like your favourite place. The view is ... am ... ama ... amazing!", you stutter, because your brain stops working after two whiskey bottles. Natasha next to you giggles. "I know, sexy girl", she mumbles.  
"I love to spend time with you, but in this moment I can't think straight", you reply and forget immediately what you really wanted to say. "Um...Do you know what I wanted to say?", you ask Natasha confused. She shrugs with her shoulders and giggles again. "Then it wasn't important", you laugh.
"I'm really glad that I've met you in the bar. You're really special and tough and sexy and...", Natasha says charming, but you interrupt her. You put your finger on her lips. "I really want to kiss you, but I'm sure we both can't remember the kiss tomorrow", you smirk. She sighs and nods in agreement. You lean against the wall.
"I'm not that great. You are smart, sexy, though, beautiful, sweet", you list every characteristic, which comes in your mind. Suddenly Natasha presses her body against yours and kisses you. Of course you kiss back. There are so many feelings in you. After a few moments the kiss ends. "Wow, that didn't take long", you and Natasha giggle.
Phil Coulson - Agent:
You push the agent in the front of you. "Never call me freak again, grumpy face!", you almost yell. The other agents notice the dispute. "You are a freak!", he replies angry. You want to knock him out, but you hold it back. "Get out of my way", you hiss.
Suddenly someone pulls him away from you. "Fury wants to see you ... grumpy face", Phil mumbles the last two words, but you can hear them. "Phil...I swear I haven't done anything", you have to admit the words of the agent hurt you. A smile appears on his lips, while he strokes your cheek.
"I know, (Y/N). Don't believe his words. You're not a freak", Phil replies. You look at him. A lonely tear runs over  your cheek. "He isn't the first, who called me freak", you mumble. He wipes your tear away with his thumb. "I'm sorry, but who says this is lying", he tries to cheer you up. "You are too good to me, Phil. Sorry for the trouble", you smile and want to leave.
To your surprise the agent grabs your arm and turns you back. "Don't even think about to leave me now", Phil mumbles. Before you can react he kisses you in front of the agents. At least they enjoy the show and applaud after the kiss ends.

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