10# S/He sees you for the first time

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S/He sees you for the first time

Tony Stark - Iron Man:

In the first seconds he's just surprised that he crashed through your roof. The famous Iron Main losts the train of his thoughts. He raises his eyebrows and wants to say something, but he doesn't know what. Tony just stares at you and the gun in your hands. It's obviously that you are not a normal woman. He crashed through the roof of someone special.

Bruce Banner - Hulk:

It's hard to think straight for Bruce in this moment. Especially he can't control his own body. For the first time he and the other guy are one opinion. You are something special. The doctor sees himself stuttering random things and scratching the back of his head. Bruce wants to talk to you, but he has to save some other innocent people. 

Steve Rogers - Captain America:

Steve hears you before he could see you. Your voice is like the most beautiful voice in his ears. His body turns around without his permission. Now Captain America is sure that the earth is heaven and you are an angel. The friendly smile and the way you help the old lady with her flower. Everything on you blows his mind away. Congratulation! You know how to twist the head of a super soldier.

James "Bucky" Barnes - Winter Soldier:

Your beauty and serenity punch him like a fist into his face. It's rude to stare, but he can't stop. He admires immediately the cheeky smile on your lips. Steve next to him says something, but the Winter Soldier doesn't listen to him. Bucky is lost in his own world now and you are the center of it. Against his sake a smile appears on his lips.

Clint Barton - Hawkeye:

His head stops working immediately when he lays his eyes on you. Clint wants to say something charming, but he brings no word out. He licks his lips desperately. It sounds cheesy, but the agent is sure that he hears an angelic chore. Either he's losing his mind or he falls for you in the first few seconds. Clint doesn't care as long as he can look into your beautiful eyes.

Natasha Romanoff - Black Widow:

Natasha doesn't want to admit it, but she's just astonished when she sees you. You're the perfect mixture of everything. Especially the sarcastic look in your eyes and the small smirk on your lips. She's the famous Black Widow, but her heart freaks almost out. She just wants to buy you a drink and have a conversation with you. That's a new experience for her.

Phil Coulson - Agent:

Of course Phil keeps his poker face. The freaking cool sunglasses hides his emotions. It's hard for him to think straight right now. Yes, the agent really likes what he sees and we aren't talking about your beauty. The annoyed glare you give him says it all. You're stubborn and know what you want. He would give his collection of Captain America trading cards away to make you smile.

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