8# S/He saves you

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S/He saves you

Tony Stark - Iron Man:

"Hey, gorgeous! Jarvis?", Tony enters his house. The living room is destroyed. "Sir! Something happened. A note for you on the table", the voice answers. Confused he almost runs to the table. Tony takes the note in his hand and reads it. Tears appear in his eyes.

Tony Stark,

we have your beautiful girlfriend. You know exactly what you have to do. We want the half of your money and one of your Iron Man suits. Don't talk to the police otherwise your girlfriend dies.

Come to this address alone and everything will be fine...

For a brief moment he can't breathe. The most important thing in his life is gone now. It's like he's dying inside and he can't do anything... His feelings lead him to his Iron Man suit. Tony has to save you no matter which price he has to pay.  You are his life....

*time skip*

"Come on, sweetie. Don't be stubborn", the man laughs. You spit into his face. "Get your hands off of me!", you add angry. Before the unknown can slap you the roof of the building crashes into thousand pieces. "Oh yeah! Iron Man is going to kick your asses!", you can't hold back your smile.

Within a few seconds the men are knocked out. Tony takes off his mask and rushes to your side. "My sweet angel! Are you alright?", he wants to know worried, while he strokes a lock of hair behind your ear. It breaks his heart to see you like that. You sigh, but nod. The truth is that you're scared to death.

"I'm so damn sorry, babe. This shouldn't happen. I'm so sorry", his voice cracks and tears appear in his eyes. A slight smile appears on your lips. "Don't say sorry. That's not your fault, Tony", you try to cheer him up. "You are just adorable and the best woman on earth", he kisses your forehead softly. Finally you are back into his arms.

Bruce Banner - Hulk:

The doctor is damn worried, because you should be back for two hours. He tried to call you. No chance. You don't answer your phone. "What happened? Maybe she is hurt or even dead! I have to find her, Tony!", Bruce runs his fingers through his hair. His face is pale like the wall.

Tony stops him from running in circles. "We have no idea where she was after you've called her. Just relax a moment and take a deep breath. In and out", he tries to calm him down. Bruce looks at his friend for a few seconds. "I can't calm down! (Y/N) is gone and I'm damn scared that she is hurt and suffers!", is his loud reply.

Suddenly an incoming call. "Hello?! (Y/N)?!", the doctor almost yells. Tony can't understand the words, but it's obviously that you aren't the caller.  "Okay...", Bruce looks even worse than before the call. "(Y/N) is kidnapped, but I'll find her", he informs his friend.

***time skip***

"God! Please! Let me out! Please...", you sob, while you try to open up the freaking luggage space. You are still in there and you think for hours now. There is just darkness around you. No noises. Nothing. You don't want to admit it, but you are scared to death. Bruce's face should be the last thing that you see. Tears run over your cheeks. This is going to be your end. You know it.

Suddenly you hear loud noises. "Hello?! Bruce?! Help! Please!", you yell as loud as you can. You hear steps. Heavy steps... "No way...", you whisper and press your hand against your chest to regulate your heartbeat, but it doesn't work. Your heart wants to jump out of your chest. Someone the luggage space with all his power. Of course your winced scared.

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