Chapter 1 : The New Team

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It was Monday. A new day begins.

It would be a good day for Alberu if not for the news he received when he got to the station.

As he walked away from the chief's office, he flashes a fake smile to his other co-workers.

He speeds walk to his office where his teammates were to announce the news.

He opened the slightly ajar door and closes it with a loud bang, suprising the people inside.

"Goodmorning! What news do you want to hear first? The bad news or the good news?" Alberu asked looking at the officers with a slightly annoyed smile.

A deafening silence ensued in the room. The startled officers look at each other with a questioning gaze.

Wondering why their captain looks irritating early in the morning.

Finally, one officer decided to break the silence.

"Of course, the good news first. Right guys?" Rosalyn spoke up, slightly eager to know what it is.

"Since Rosalyn wants the good news first, I'll tell it to you. The chief told us that we are having a week's break for solving the rape case. He praised us and encourage everyone to try their best to solve the other case we are working on which the higher-ups decided to postponed first."


"Huh? Why postponed?"

"What the heck?"

A series of protests sounded in the office after Alberu shared half the news.

Alberu showed a small satisfied smile, happy to know that he is not the only one who does not want the case to be postponed for a week.

He clapped to catch their attention once again.

"Okay, guys I'm not finished yet. The bad news is, there would be a new team being transferred here to help us in the other ongoing case."

Alberu looked at his team’s faces.

There are a lot of different reactions. Some are frowning, shocked, deep in thought, and excited.

He slightly frowned when he saw an excited member.

‘This crazy bastard seemed to know something. ‘

“Clopeh, you seemed rather excited to know who they are? Might want to share it with us? “ Alberu raised his right eyebrow in question.

Clopeh just clasped his hands and looked at the people inside the office.

“I can feel it.
HAHAHAHAHHAAH. I can feel a legend would be created! “ Clopeh shouted in excitement. Pounding his fisted hands on his chest.

Everyone can see his joyous expression which made the others detest it.

Alberu clicked his tongue in response.

‘ Whatever. Chief did not even tell me who they are though. Tsk, such a hassle. ‘

“Alberu-nim, do you know who they are? “ Jack asked with a concerned expression on his face.

The others stared at him waiting for his response.

“I don’t know. Chief did not tell me who they are but I know what their team is called. They are called the Silver Shield or SS. “

Alberu heard a gasp when he finished speaking. He looked around trying to find the person who gasp.

Finally, his gaze met Eruhaben who is avoiding meeting his eyes.

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