Dr. Giggles x Female Reader (Chapter One)

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"Any idea who this could be?" Said officer Reitz as he placed a newspaper down with an image of Dr. Evan Rendall.

"Evan Rendall. He was a doctor but was driven into madness when his wife died. All that he had left was his son." I replied, holding the back of my neck in discomfort.

He stared at me before asking, "Do you know where his son is?"

"No. Rumor has it he disappeared. However, there are quite a few dropping dead."

"Don't believe in just rumors, check it out for yourself."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not a detective or spy you know. I'm not going into Rendall's house and invading his privacy."

"We already investigated the house, Ms. (Y/N)." Said officer Magruder as he walked into the room.

I groaned in annoyance, "Very unprofessional of you, Hank."

"I am an officer. I can investigate whatever I want."

"I suggest you use an actual detective."

Both officers looked at me in a hinting manner.

"I'm not a detective for heaven sakes!" I exclaimed.

"No, but from your quick learning and investigative mind, perhaps you can help us find where Dr. Rendall's son is."

I thought for a minute, wondering what was at risk if I did this. My life of course. The risk if I don't do this is that everyone in Moorhigh may die.

I sighed in defeat, "Okay fine. However, you both are coming with me."

Both looked at each other, then at me, Magruder replying, "Fine with me. Joe?"

Reitz leaned against the desk, staring at the ground and contemplating whether he would agree or not. After a few minutes he looked up at me and nodded.

"Don't get us killed." Reitz said, walking out of the room afterwards.

Magruder stared at me before saying, "Grab your coat, we're leaving in 5."

I nodded as both of us walked out of the room, grabbing my coat off the coat hanger before walking down the hall.

"You're a very smart woman, (Y/N), I believe you can uncover the secret." Magruder started as we walked down the hall.

I looked at Magruder, replying, "I'm nervous about this... Mission."

"No need to be nervous, we'll be with you the whole way. Just, don't do anything stupid that will get us killed, alright?"

I nodded in response. I thought of all the ways this mission could go wrong. Firstly, the officers could die and it could leave me nearly defenseless. Secondly, we get separated and one, two, or all of us die. Thirdly, if we all die there's a really good chance everyone else will die.


"Do you know how old Rendall's son is?" I asked.

"42." Magruder and Reitz both said.

"How old was Rendall's son when his mother died?"

"7." Both replied again.

"So... 35 years went by- Okay my question is, if Rendall's son did survive, how did he manage to do it?"

"That's the question we're asking." Reitz said, leaning against the front of the police car.

"Right. Okay. Well, are we ready to go?" I asked, putting on my coat.

Magruder adjusted his hat, replying, "Yeah, I just have to grab some extra bullets. For our safety, of course. Oh and here (Y/N). Catch."

He then threw me a gun, "If you see him, shoot."

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