God has performed yet ANOTHER miracle

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Hello readers,

This is a chapter to tell everyone that my friend is alive. THEY'RE ALIVE. Praise God.

They paused their route to give me a chance to speak, which was the one thing I prayed for, and I discussed with them the reason why they're important.

I also explained their purpose in life through God's wishes. They're doing much better now, and they realize the importance of life.

Now, with that being said, my emotions are restored, and I'll be happy to continue on with the Tiffany x Reader fanfiction.

Current events that have happened other than that was the fact that I often stress out a "friend" of mine, and I also had a deep urge to self-harm because of it.

HOWEVER, I did NOT. I made a proclamation to God that I will never make any more intentional scars or bruises on my body, and I am keeping that promise to the best of my ability.

So, for a recap:

My friend lives on, and promises to stay alive even through mentally challenging times

I've stopped talking to the "friend" that blames me for promises I've made to the friend who almost died

I'm healing mentally

I've made a promise to never self-harm again

I'm making new chapters very soon


I appreciate you all waiting, and I thank ALL of you for the prayers you have sent out to my friend. Your prayers have not gone unnoticed.

God is good, folks, God is good.

God bless!

-Silvester Priest (Rebezolo)

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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