Leatherface (Thomas Hewitt) x Female Reader (Chapter 5) -Fluffy?-

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(Warning: Language, discussing of trauma, fluff, and phobia warning)

-SIDE NOTE: I'm adding the Sawyer family into this for extra beef. Let's just sayy it's a cousin thing, and that's why they have opposing last names-

"Tommy! Luda! Family! We have a problem here!" He yelled, picking my up like a baby.

"What is the probl- DEAR LORD SWEET BABY JESUS!" Luda exclaimed as she ran to me, holding the back of my head.

"Where's (Y/N)'s mother?!" She asked the man.

He looked at Luda with realization, "Shiiit... SHIT!"

He puts me down on one of the rocking chairs and ran toward my house, continuing to cuss under his breath.

"LANGUAGE YOUNG MAN!" Luda yelled before looking at me in panic.

"What happened?!" She asked as she put the back of her hand on my forehead.

I suddenly heard loud and faced paced footsteps coming from inside her house.

"Ooh! Dead body!" I suddenly heard as someone came out and grabbed my dad.

Luda smacked his hands away from my dad, "He's not dead!"

He looked at me and jumped a little, cringing a little.

"Oh my what happened to you?! You look like you just got beaten with a metal pole!"

"Not far from the truth..." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry what?" He asked as he walked over to me and squatted down, resting his elbows on his knees and his face resting on his hands

"Yes my dad beat me, just not with a metal pole."

Luda looked at me with anger and worry, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"I got her Mrs. Luda!" The man yelled as he ran toward us with my mother in his arms.

As soon as I saw her I noticed a large person in the corner of my eye step out of the house.

"Where do I put her?" The man asked, looking at my mother with admiration.

I heard knuckles crack, and I instantly looked at the man who was beside me.

"Tommy..." I mumbled as he darted his gaze to me.

His eyes went from concern and anger into straight fear and worry.

"Lets take both inside. Robert! Make sure (Y/N)'s father doesn't get up!" Luda said as she helped me up.

"Yes ma'am!" He exclaimed excitedly as he stood up and giggled his way toward my dad. (I'm guessing this is how he is LOL I really don't know)

Thomas immediately grabbed me and picked me up, holding me close to him as he let the man with my mom go first, then himself.

"Ahh! Two new members of the family I see?" A man says with a big smile.

"Don't get too excited, these two are in need of serious help." The man holding my mother said, putting her down on a sofa.

"Also, someone has a death wish." He says with a smile.

"Tex!" Luda exclaimed, continuing, "We'll need to get answers first. Be patient."

Tex groaned as he held my mother's hand, "Yes Luda..."

Thomas sat down on one of the chairs with me in his arms, cradling me like a baby.

"Aww look at this! Thomas has a girlfriend!" The man said with a wide grin.

I noticed someone walking up from the shadows, scaring me a little.

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