Hahahaha.... Yeahh.

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-- Hey guys! Soooo --

I'm doing a writing project for my courses of literature. I get to make my own story basically.

Anddd because it's ✨🎃 October 🎃✨

I'm making my own horror story, not a fanfiction. Soo what do you all think about me writing my own horror story? Some of the storyline will be based off of some horror movies, but it's only a minor part.

I'm nervous about this because this will be my first time writing a story without pre-made characters.

This is stressful and I'm very worried about this. This project I'm doing is going out of my comfort zone, but I'm willing to do that.

It'll turn out great though! (Hopefully *PFFT*)

I'll most likely post it the week before Halloween, which I'm excited for.

I'm still honestly processing what the heck (I only cuss for the stories, I'd never cuss irl.. or in front of my parents at least) I'm doing on Wattpad, but you know, you only live once, YOLO. 😂

Pray for me on this one. 💀


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