Rusty Nail x Female Reader (Chapter 2) -Mildly spicy-

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WARNING: This will be more mature than my other stories. Read with discretion.

"Hotel tonight?" He asked, looking over at me frozen in my seat.

"Yes." I responded.

He smiled a little as he grabbed my thigh, squeezing it a little.

"To verify, what are we doing at the hotel?" I asked, completely red.

"What people do when they're in love." He replied, laying his head on the head rest as he tightens his grip on the steering wheel.

As we continue to drive in Wyoming, we both notice the sun is setting. Fuller looks at me with a smirk on his face before pulling into a city area. With Lewis behind us I start to get concerned.

"Where is he going to be during this?"

"I'll give him something to do for an hour or two."


"Yes Love, I suggest you get ready if you haven't done this before."

He pulls into a hotel parking lot, instantly parking and getting out, Lewis following next to him.

"Staying the night here?" Lewis asked.

"Yes. I'll get us checked in." Fuller replied as he grabs my hand and walks toward the lobby of the hotel.

"Hey! What do I do?!" Lewis exclaims.

Fuller looks back at Lewis and says, "Look on the CB radio. We found a drunk hobo by the name of Rusty Nail."

"On it!" Lewis said as he got into our car.

Fuller opens the door to the lobby, leading me through as he follows behind, holding one hand on my hip.

"Room for 3." Fuller says to the receptionist.

"Okay.. What's the name for that?"

"Thomas." Fuller replied, handing her his credit card and ID.

"Okay thank you." She replied.

She looks at the credit card and starts to check us in, Fuller looking at me with a smile.

I returned a smile and looked down at my feet from how shy I started to become.

"Alright it looks like you're all set!" The receptionist responds as she hands back Fuller's ID and credit card.


"Your room number is 18, first floor."

She hands us the key card, Fuller instantly taking it and thanking the receptionist, leading me out the door and to the room.

Fuller stopped for a second, saying, "Oh wait I forgot to tell Lewis about the hour or two hour long thing."

Fuller kisses me saying, "Stay here I'll be back." And he darts toward Lewis.

I look around and notice the cute flowers and plants. As I looked at them I smiled, reminding myself of the time when Fuller got me flowers on Valentine's Day for what he called "just being nice".

I noticed Fuller running back, taking off his coat and picking me up by my ass, using the card to open the door and walking us through the entrance.


As the door closed he pinned me against the wall, unbuttoning his thin denim jacket to reveal his thin and toned body. I took off my top to reveal my black laced bra, Fuller looking at it somewhat surprised.

"Damn baby. I didn't know you were prepared." He said smiling.

"Me neither." I replied, laughing.

Fuller started kissing me so passionately I thought it was a movie. The way his lips moved in sync with mine, it felt so amazing.

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