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Once she was back in Jackson's orbit, it had been like she'd never left. And she'd do anything to remain there.

Knowing that Lawson would never accept their friendship, she decided to continue seeing Jackson in secret.

Turns out it was easier than she thought.

As the summer months approached, Lawson became busier at work. Long days turned into long nights, and it felt like the universe was working in her favor. The timing couldn't have been better. During these last five months, she and Lawson had been nearly inseparable. And now, all of a sudden, he was preoccupied. Cambria had all the time in the world to herself.

Jackson, of course, was still with Natalia, a fact that baffled Cambria entirely. It seemed that nothing had changed in their relationship. They still fought and bickered and argued. He complained about her all the time.

Natalia was plagued with perpetual trust issues due to the fact that her last three boyfriends had cheated on her. Regardless of Jackson's good intentions, as well as his proven track record of being faithful and loyal, she remained doubtful of his love for her. Hence why she hated Cambria and did not want Jackson being friends with her, convinced they were secretly having an affair. It didn't help that nearly everyone in Pine Hills had mistaken Cambria for Jackson's girlfriend at some point during their friendship.

But the trust issues didn't end with Cambria. Natalia was wary about everyone that Jackson came into contact with. Anytime he went out with his friends, she was convinced he was cheating on her. Every girl she viewed as an enemy, potential competition, working against her to steal Jackson. It also did not help that Jackson had slept with practically half the town. Cambria and Jackson couldn't even go to the mall without running into a one-night stand from the past. Cambria found this hilarious. Natalia, not so much.

Of course, that's not to say Jackson didn't have his fair share of issues himself. He was domineering and controlling. He didn't want her talking to other men. She couldn't even go out with her friends without Jackson throwing a fit about it. He did not trust her, convinced she would cheat on him solely to spite him (She probably would).

Natalia would deliberately flirt with other men in front of him to piss him off. She'd drink enough alcohol to black out, then start a fight in front of all their friends. Jackson had a temper, so of course he'd yell. He couldn't help it.

Natalia brought out the worst in him.

He told Cambria that there was not a single thing they could agree on. Any topic of conversation would lead to an argument.

"Then why are you with her?" Cambria asked.
"Because I love her. And I know she loves me."
"That doesn't sound like love."
"You're one to talk."

She couldn't argue there. Cambria didn't like to discuss her relationship with Jackson. Ever since that night she had come to his house, she had kept her mouth shut. That's not to say Jackson didn't push, because he did. And sometimes, he could be relentless.

"You're actually an idiot," he said to her. "An idiot with half a brain. Actually, no brain at all. Even a person with half a brain would leave."
"Fuck off."

They were both hypocrites.

He didn't need to give her a valid reason. Cambria had drawn her own conclusions as to why he stayed with Natalia. And that was because she was pretty certain Jackson feared being alone just as much as she did.

Cambria spent most of May and June thinking. And by the time the end of June rolled around, she had mentally prepared herself for the conversation that was about to transpire.

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