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It was Christmas time – Cambria's favorite time of year. She had spent the weekend shopping at the markets, buying more decorations than she needed. Her parents were flying in this week to spend the holidays with her. She sat in the living room, curled up on the couch with a book and a cup of hot cocoa. Finn sat next to her, flicking through the TV channels while absentmindedly stroking her thigh.

            Just then, the telephone rang. Cambria placed a finger on the page, prepared to get up, but Finn stood before she got the chance. He was always doing that, doting on her, making her life easier, even if only in the slightest. She watched as he walked into the kitchen, then readjusted in her seat. A moment later, he called her name. "It's Mara," he said.

            She set her book on the couch and stood, making her way to the kitchen. Finn passed her the phone, then kissed her cheek as they swapped places and he returned to the living room.

            "Hi baby doll," Mara's voice beamed through the phone.
             "What do I owe the pleasure?"
             "How are you? How's Finn?"
             "We're good, we just setup the tree. My parents are coming in this week."
             "I still need to get that pie recipe from your mom. Tell her she owes me."
             "She doesn't owe you shit."
             "I'd beg to differ."
             "I'll make sure you get your pie, don't worry."
             "Good. I've lost ten pounds, so I want my reward."
             "How are you?"
             "I'm fine. But I'm not calling to talk about me. Is Finn still nearby?"
             "He's in the living room." Cambria peaked her head around the corner and watched him. "Why?"
             "I need to tell you something."
             Cambria took a few steps in the other direction. "What is it?"
             "It's Jackson. He wants to see you."
             Cambria hadn't heard his name in so long, but it still reverberated through her brain all the same.
             "Does he know?"
             "No. I don't think so."
             "What did he say?"
             "That he wants to see you. Needs to talk."
             She lowered her voice. "What if I don't want to talk to him?"
             "That's what I said. But between you and me... do you?"
             Cambria hesitated. There was no point in lying to Mara. She knew her like the back of her hand. "Yes."
             "Okay yeah, I figured. I already told him you'd say yes."
             "He asked if this week works."
             "I'm busy."
             "It sounded urgent."
             "I'm sure it did."
             "He said Tuesday. Café International. 6pm. Can you do that?"
             She didn't hesitate. "Fine."

Of course Jackson would reach out now, after everything. He always did have the worst timing. And as much as she wanted to say no solely to spite him, she couldn't deny the truth, which was that she really did want to see him.

            It had been a blessing in disguise, what Jackson did to her, how they ended. She couldn't see it at the time, but when it was all said and done, she realized it had been for a reason. She wasn't meant to end up with Jackson. She was meant to end up with Finn.

            It didn't take long for them to find their way back to each other. It was like the universe couldn't keep them apart. By some divine intervention, they were meant to be together. But Cambria had fucked it all up with her own intervention – Jackson's intervention. What a mistake that had been. It wasn't until later, with hindsight, that she could see everything for what it was.

            A blessing in disguise. At least, that's what she told herself. The truth was, Cambria still thought about Jackson. She never stopped. He was an omnipresent fixture in her mind, an obsession she could never quite get over. And as much as she told herself she was happy with Finn, and that everything worked out the way it was supposed to, she still couldn't help but wonder: what if?

CAMBRIAWhere stories live. Discover now