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Dedicated to Kiara. My best friend and inspiration.

His kisses were drunk and sweet. He picked me up into the air while still holding the kiss, stumbled and we fell onto my bed laughing. Eric was my ex-boyfriend who just happened to show up at my party and one thing led to another.
He stopped laughing and crawled across the bed to me. He reached for my hand and his electric blue eyes gazed into mine.

"I miss you Kiara, I want you back."

Before I could respond, he pulled me into a passionate, drunken kiss and I granted him permission into my mouth as he deepened the kiss. I could taste the alcohol shared between us and the memories it brought back. He broke away and traced his lips softly down my neck.

Suddenly, the room began to blur and dizziness swept over me. My stomach rolled with nausea and I pushed the sickness down as he made his way back up my neck, to my lips once again.

All of a sudden I couldn't feel his lips on mine anymore or even hear his breathing. My mind had gone blank. The nausea and the dizziness swept over me again as everything came back. I knew I was slowly starting to black out, and once I came back to reality, I realized that he had laid me down on the bed and was on top of me supporting himself on his knees. His hands slipped under my shirt and began pushing it off.

"Stop," I said quietly into his ear. He continued. "I said, stop it Eric." I repeated, pushing his hands away. I tried to sit up but he leaned down over me blocking my path.

Adrenaline started pumping through my veins as his kisses grew from sweet, to hungry and urgent. They were hungry for something I didn't want to give. I weakly pushed against his chest trying to flip him off of me, but he was too heavy. I began punching and kicking trying to break free of his trapping weight. The blood began rushing to my head and the sound of my heart beating frantically in my chest filled my ears. Fear and andrenaline welled in my stomach, but my attempts to escape him were slow and uncoordinated due to the alchohol in my system.

"Get off of me Eric!!" I cried out, but he pinned my arms above my head. I squeezed my eyes closed forcing back the tears that threatened to fall. Despite my intoxication, I refused to show any sign that I had given up, while inside I knew I had lost this fight.

Just then, the door to my room flew open and the noise of the party downstairs flooded the room.

My eye lids flew open and Eric lazily peered over his shoulder to see who had barged in on us.

My heart rate peaked and my chest tightened painfully. It was Matt.

He was over to Eric in less than a second and pulled him off of me by the back collar of his shirt, throwing him into my front room wall.

"Can't you hear? She said stop you prick." He pulled Eric's limp body from the floor and continued, "Get out. And if I ever see you back here again, you're going to wish I had killed you on the spot." Matt's voice was menacing, something I'd never heard from him before.

I quickly sat up, buttoning the buttons on my shirt that Eric had somehow managed to get undone. Eric glanced at me sheepishly and walked out the door. Matt slammed it shut and looked at me, his feautures unreadable. He walked towards me and sat on the end of the bed. I could feel the matress sink underneath his weight and I edged away from him and towards my headboard like a frightened puppy backing into a corner.

His warm almond brown eyes skimmed over me and I felt nothing but the nausea increasing it's strength in my stomach.

"Kiara..." He breathed, letting my name hang in the air. I didn't speak, or respond, or even meet his gaze. I sat there, staring hard at my hands.

I felt the warmth of his body envelope me in a tight embrace and his scent filling my noise and flooding my mind with dizzying memories. I let myself dazedly melt into him as he lowered us down beneath the covers pulling me tight into his chest. He gently smoothed down my hair and kissed the back of my head. In that moment, I let myself fall into the darkness completely.

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