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He shifted in his seat and glanced around as if he were scoping out the people around us.  

"Alright, what do you want to know?" He said blowing hard. 

"Well for starters, how did you find me?" 

"Simple, I followed an easy trail. Next question."

"I need more than that." I said. 

"After your dad didn't know where you lived, I checked for recently rented apartments or condos, none of which was your's. Then your dad told me that your mom left a condo for you to move into when you got older on the west side if the Island. It was pretty easy from there." He shrugged as if it was the simplest thing ever, and the stupidest question to ask. 

"Alright big shot, then explain to me how you found out about my parents." He pursed his lips as if he was contimplating whether he should answer.

"Well, you see, uh-" He stuttered and sumbled over his words trying to find the right ones. 

"Just spit it out Matt." I said pressing him. 

"Kiara, this isn't something that can be handled lightly. If this information slips in anyway...we both could be dead."

I nodded.

"There is an organization called LMS. Let's just say that they aren't very good people, more like a sick fraternity for adults. They only let the "strong and obidient" in. In other words, they like the people who do what they want."

"Like..." I prodded.

"Like: drugs, money, killing people they don't like, ruining others and spoiling themselves." He looked down shaking his head. " And the worst part is, this isn't a small group or a gang. It's like a damn secret society. I'm talking about people who have power. Politicians, Ambassadors in other countries, weapon dealers, cartel smugglers- anything you can name, they have."  

My eyes widened a bit in concerned suprise. 

"Matt...are you one-"

"No! Of course not. I don't kill people to get into a damn mafia society." He explained, quickly cutting me off. I jerked my body all the way around in my seat to face him.

"Wait. I didn't think you would kill anyone at all Matt!" My voice rang louder and two octaves higher. Matt shushed me and quickly ducked down a bit leaning in a few inches away from my face. His hot breath fanned across my face.

"Kiara!" He said, barely above a whisper. "Keep your voice down." Worry spread across his features.

"Matt, have you killed people?" My voice trembled afraid of the answer and nervous because of how close he was.  

"No."He replied tightly.

I saw a glimpse of something I didn't reconize in his eyes. I stared into their liquid swirls letting myself be hypnotized by them.  

"So what does this have to do with my family?" I said trying to calm my trembling voice. 

"Well," he said sitting up, "your real father was a part of LMS." 

"My real father was a murderer?" I said, struggling to keep my voice at a whisper.

"No. He wasn't like the people trying to get in. He was bestfriends with the leader, and he was a Prime of LMS. He dropped out though once he figured out that the money that was paying for his house and gold watches, was blood money. Keller, the leader and a Prime, didn't like the fact that he wanted to leave. They argued and in the end, your dad ended up with a death sentence on his head. Like I said, when LMS doesn't like you-"

"They kill you." I said finishing his sentence. He nodded slightly.  "So is my real dad dead then?"

"I don't think so."

"What do you mean 'I don't think so'? And I thought you didn't know who my dad was."

"Exactly," he paused for a second and continued, "I know his real name, and two of his aliases. I don't know who he really is or where he is. He's very hard to locate. Whenever we catch up to him, he's already two steps ahead."


"As in the Seekers. We are the people that help anyone in anyway we can. LMS is our biggest threat though. We've already lost four people to them. We're an undercover sectioned FBI unit, except we do more good then the government regulated branches ever could. We have connections everywhere, someplaces even the american goverment doesn't. People who need something done, like getting away from their abusive husband, we take care of them and get their husband's ass in jail, or somewhere else. If there's a gang that won't keep themselves in check, we infiltrate, and do it ourselves. The main difference, Kiara, is that we don't have to work within the law to get justice."

My breathing shallowed a little, trying to take everything in. I looked out of the window of the plane seeing the clouds and the city below us. It was a breathtaking view, but I now realized that I most likely wouldn't get the chance to enjoy it. 

I turned my head back to Matt, meeting his gaze.

"What?" I asked self-consciously. He shook his head slowly as he spoke.

"Nothing, you're just taking this supisingly well. I mean, you're barely even showing any kind of thought."

"I dont know what to say or think," I answered honestly, " sure I'm suprised, but it's kind of an easy thought to wrap my head around. Matt, I always felt like there had to be something bigger, something that involved my life in some way. Now I have the chance to find the truth in all of this and to find my real parents. My real life. Possibly, the one I've always wanted." I could see his features softening into the old Matt I used to know. I felt a little better about everything, now since he had let the old Matt come back. I shifted in my seat trying to get more comfortable. 

"So how did I end up away from my real parents?" I asked. Matt twisted his torso towards me.

"I don't know. All I know is who your real mother is and where she lives." He ran his fingers through his hair again.

"And where is that?"

"A small town named Brewster. Not far from NYC."

"Oh, ok." I replied.  

I didn't want to ask him to take me to see her, even though that's what I wanted more than anything.

"Yes," he said interupting my thoughts, "we can go see her." He smiled lightly and I did the same. His eyes were shining and I couldn't help but gaze into them.

"So are we done with this interrogation?" He teased. I smiled, amused. 

"Yea," I said, still holding his gaze, "we are. For now." 

Six done! Yay! What do you think? Love love love the support.

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