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Chapter: Sixteen

A lump rose in my throat as I slowly scanned the woman in front of me.

Her brown hair was pulled back into a messy bun with a few strands falling beside her cheeks, shaping her face. Her mossy grey and green eyes resembled mine, as they told the silent stories of her past and her thoughts. She was a couple inches taller than me and slightly curvier, due to birth I was guessing. The blue, v-neck shirt she wore complimented every inch of her torso and chest.

She smiled brightly as she looked at Jason, never once noticing me standing there.

"Hello Ms. Jones. I'm agent Jason Ross, you might remember me from before." She nodded.

"Yes, I do. You came with agent Matthew Walker right?" That's when she looked at me and her smile faded a bit at the corners of her mouth. She opened the door quickly and said, "Come right on in." I smiled at her as I stepped into her home and out of my realm of sanity.

I smiled nervously as I passed her and stepped behind Jason. Her eyes never left me the entire time. My heart raced inside my chest as she shut the door behimd us and led us into the living room.

I sat next to Jason on a white, vintage couch and looked around the room, taking in the smell and sorroundings. It smelled like, how flowers did when you just picked them from the ground, but sweeter. It was intoxicating to me.

I focused on the soft tan color of the walls and the vases, TV, flowers, tan curtains, matching white chair, coffee table, and the baseboards.

She swiftly walked across the room and sat on a smaller couch across from us. She crossed her legs and asked, "So what brings you here?" I could see in her eyes when she looked at me, that she already knew.

Jason shifted forward and leaned forward on his knees. "Well, this is Kiara." He gestured towards me then added, "Kiara, this is Leanna Jones."

I smiled and nodded politely as I waved my fingers slightly. "Nice to meet you." I said softly.

She smiled, wider than before, and patted the empty spot next to her.

I instinctly rose from the spot next to Jason and shuffled around the coffee table to sit next to her. She took my hand and pulled me down until I was sitting.

"My baby." Tears started to well up in her eyes as she looked at me. She held my face in both of her hands as she tickledy cheeks with her thumbs. I laughed, without meaning to and grabbed at her hands. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a hug. "My baby." She repeated softly.

I could feel her body trembling and I knew she was crying. "Mom." As soon as I spoke the words, tears broke the barriers of my eye lids, racing down my cheeks. We hugged and cried for what seemed like hours until she let go, holding my arms.

"Look at you," She sniffled, "Look at how you've grown." She smiled genuinely at me.

"Yea, I guess 19 years is a lot huh?" I replied. She laughed melodically and hugged me one more time. She sighed heavily as she rose.

"You are so beautiful, I never imagined you would grow up to look so much like me. I have something to give to you." She smiled excitedly and shuffled out of the living room. I sent Jason a smile and he smirked and raised his eyebrows at me. She returned seconds later with a small box, that looked hand-carved.

I watched as she briskly rounded the corner and plopped down next to me, pushing the box into my lap. I shot her an uncertain glance as I rested my hands on it. Her eyes returned a sure gaze, as she nodded, encouraging me to open it.

I turned my attention back to the light weight, smooth surface of the box. I ran my hands over it, tracing the deep grooves that spelled Kiara. My thumbs found the small latch that would open it. Just as I was about to unlock it, I felt a warm, soft hand on mine. I trailed the arm with my eyes until I found the mossy grey and green eyes of my mother.

She gazed at me and said, "Actually, don't open it here. Your dad left it for you, not for my eyes. I think you should have your own moment with the memories he wanted to share with you." She smiled gently and I smiled back, nodding.

"I'm sorry to interupt, but Kiara we have to get going." Jason said as he stood up. I wanted to tell him to just leave me here, for ,like, ever. But I had a feeling this wouldn't be the last time I saw my mother. She smiled sadly and kissed me on the head as she pulled me into a hug. "I'll walk you two out."

Once we got to the front door, my heart began to ache. I longed to stay with her and never leave. "I'm so glad I got to meet you." I whispered to her.

Jason nodded at her and said, "Until next time Ms. Jones." She smiled graciously at him and turned her attention to me as he walked to the truck. I felt her hand gently wrap around my neck and pulling me to her. She hugged me tightly, but whispered barely audibly in my ear, "I know where he is. Don't give in to LMS. Act like all we did just now was hug. Please don't say anything. I love you." She pulled away and gazed deeply into mine, warning me with her eyes.

I forced a smile, figuring that there was a reason for her sudden secret statement. "I'll see you next time." I replied. She nodded and gave me another warm smile before closing the door behind me. I robotically walked to the truck where Jason opened my door. I jumped in silently and strapped on my seatbelt. He got in on his side and turned the key in the ignition. I looked out the window, lost in my own thoughts.

My real mother was here, alive and well. She gave me a box that was sitting in my lap, and whispered memories to me. She knew about LMS, and that rose the question of how we became seperated. But there was still one question that only she knew the answer to.

Where was my real Dad?

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