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When I woke up, my head was pounding with an almost unbearable pain. I rolled over on my side and my eyes widened at the sight of who was there.
Matt was sleeping peacefully next to me, with his tousled long brown hair falling over his forehead. I blinked repeatedly as if once I opened my eyes again, he'd be gone. But he remained there, still asleep. For just a second, I watched him silently as his chest steadily moved up and down with each breath. It was almost impossible to imagine that the guy asleep next to me was the same one who threw my ex into a wall and out of my condo. He looked innocent, and that's how I've always known him to be.

It was weird how comfortable and familiar it was having him sleep next to me, and a feeling of heartache washed over me as the memories from high school flooded back. He used to do it all the time when I was a freshman and he was a sophomore.

His family had just moved in across the street from my dad and I. And his family hit it off really well with my dad. So from the beginning, we were pretty much forced together. After a while though, we started becoming really good friends. Then one night, when my dad had gotten home from work, he started drinking like he always did and we got into a fight. Right when he had started hitting me, the doorbell rang.

I walked to the door trying to wipe my tears away, but my eyes were red and puffy and a welt had formed on the side of my face where my dad had slapped me. When I opened the door my dad was yelling in the background, but I forced a smile. I remember the look on his face when I opened the door.

"Ki, are you alright?" He had asked, worry and surprise shaped into his features. I shook my head quickly in embarrassment.

"Meet me in your room."  I nodded and closed the door, returning to my dad's rampage.

After my dad had passed out on the couch , I went back to my room where Matt was waiting for me on my bed. As soon as I walked in I could see the worry, sympathy, and helplessness on his face. As soon as I sat down beside him, I broke down into a helpless sob. He pulled me to him letting me cry into his chest. Once I calmed down, he pulled the covers up over us and laid down hugging me to him, letting me tell him everything about my dad's compulsive drinking problem ever since my mom died when I was 14, and how after every fight when he was sobered up he would come into my room and apologize. I would always find a hundred dollar bill in my wallet when I left home for school the next morning. It made me sick and resent him even more that he thought he could buy my forgiveness.

Matt had been there for me like no one, other than my mom, had. And we became best friends after that night. After that, he would sneak into my room through my window whenever he saw my house lights on past eleven. He told me that was how he knew my dad and I were fighting.

Every time we fought, Matt would be there for me to cry to and console with. In fact, it got to the point that he stopped asking what was wrong, and would just let me cry until I was all cried out, or until I had fallen asleep. He would sleep next to me those nights and in the morning, sneak back out to his house.

He was the only one that was really there, and that's why it hurt so much when he left for college. It broke my heart, and for a little while, I was angry at him for leaving me alone, but I knew he had no choice. I was left to deal with my pain alone; no one to cry to, no one to hold me close at night.

So there he was, sleeping next to me like old times. I missed him, and I didn't realize how much until now. I didn't want to get up, I would've much rather just sleep the day away, but I knew that wasn't an option. As soon as I stood up, my stomach wrenched with nausea and the room spun around me.

I ran into the bathroom and leaned over the toilet puking up everything I had the day before. Once my stomach was empty, I wiped my mouth and looked in the mirror surprised at the girl looking back. I looked nothing like the girl that was focused on getting to college and being the best that she could be. I also noticed that I was in a green tank top with sweatpants. Matt must have put me in a new change of clothes.

I became lost in thought as I pulled my sweat pants string. I put my head in my hands wishing my headache would disappear. Pushing my thoughts away, I decided to get ready for work. I slipped off my clothes and got into the shower dipping my head under the running water hoping it would wash away everything from the past weekend: the hangover, the memories from last night, the scene I made of myself in the park on Saturday...everything.

Dealing with the loud barking and and howling of the dogs at the shelter was going to be hell if I didn't remember to take an aspirin before I left. I wanted so badly to call in and sympathize with my coworker Julie and explain the need for today off, but my sick days had worn thin because of my bout with the flu two weeks ago. And I wasn't willing to lose the job that was keeping my lights and water on.

After ten minutes, I reluctantly turned off the water and got out wrapping the towel around me. Suddenly, the door opened.

"Oh! Sorry Kiara, but I really need to talk to you." Matt was standing in the doorway  and looking wildly into my eyes.

Hope you liked it! Comment your thoughts please and three will be up soon!:)

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