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My heart threw itself against my ribcage and I instantly went into panic mode. I threw my arms behind me and grasped my attacker's wrist twisting it as hard as I could. He yelped and I kneed him in the crotch and he doubled over. He was standing between me and the door, my only option was to run down the street and get as far away as possible.

I pushed myself forward, running as fast and as hard as I could. I guess my track years in highschool did pay off.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw him about 20 meters behind me. My vision was blurry and I could only make out his dark clothing and his tall and muscular frame.

He could kill me. I thought, panicked. All the more reason to run.

My side began burning and my lungs were screaming for more air, air that at the moment, was not my first priority. I pushed myself harder; my feet hitting the hard, gritty pavement. I noticed that the amount of cars were thinning out and barely any were driving by. As I went further, the buildings began spacing out.

"Crap!" I said breathless, and still running. I went in the wrong direction. Instead of going towards the crowded streets of the city, I headed the opposite direction, away from my only chances of getting away.

I turned swiftly and headed down a hill into a small wooded area. It wasn't the ideal hidding place but it would have to do. Suddenly, my legs gave and I went tumbling down the small hill and into the brush below. I probably screamed the whole way down too.

Stupid! What's the matter with you?! Do you not understand the meaning of hiding for your life? I thought as I mentally kicked myself.

I scrambled up and ran behind the nearest tree and pressed my body underneath a thick bush that provided the perfect cover.


My heart pounded heavily against the hard, cool earth and blood filled my ears. I swallowed trying to push down my overwhelming fear. Small sounds echoed around me, sending my body into a small panic attack. Suddenly I heard the crunching of leaves, underneath someone's feet. My heart sped up and I felt like he could see everypart of me, even though I was well hidden.

I could see the fraying ends of his jeans and his blue Nike sneakers.

Wait, I knew those sneakers. I crained my necked a bit to see if I could see his face through the leaves and I could. I saw his familiar clean-cut jaw and his penetrating almond eyes. It was Matt. Relief washed through me and my heart quickened as I pushed myself up, jumped over the bush and flung myself at him. I wrapped my arms around his warm neck and my legs around his waist. He grunted slightly and hugged me back. I climbed down off of him.

"Matt what the-" He cut me off by yanking my arm and pulling me behind him as he weaved through the trees. Finally there was a small clearing that turned out to be a trail. I now realized we were in a park.

"Run." He whispered; barely audible. I nodded, confused and scared as he grabbed my warm, sweaty hand and pulled me behind his running figure. We ran down the trail until a clearing, and then a small garden appeared in sight. I could hear footsteps other than mine and Matt's.

He stopped abrubtly and threw me in front of him and I collapsed on the cold, moist grass. He put his hands on each side of my head and bent down, hovering over me. Our faces were inches apart and I could feel the warmth of his breath fan over me; it smelled like mints and honey. Wierd combination, but an enjoyable one.

"What are you-" He pressed his index finger against my lips silencing me. He stared down at me with the liquid swirls of his eyes, making my body relax under him. We weren't even touching and yet somehow he could tell that I was relaxing. He smirked and something tugged at my stomach urging me to kiss his full lips.

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