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"How the hell...." I trailed off, looking at the now almost black alleyway that loomed almost 39 stories below.

I heard Sarah laugh behind me as she fumbled with our stuff. "What are you doing? And how the hell do you expect us to get across that?" I pointed at the large gap in between the rooves, definetly to wide to jump. "What do you expect us to do, fly?" I quizzed.

I looked at her waiting for her responce, but she simply laughed and rolled her eyes, continuing with whatever it was she was doing.

I peeked back over the edge, my stomach feeling a little sick and my head spun with dizziness at the height we were at. I pulled myself together and walked towards Sarah, sitting down next to her and looked up at the stars that were just starting to pop out.

Sarah and I had waited three hours for the sun to set on top of the roof of the abandoned building. She used that as an opportunity to get a lot of stuff out of me like my feelings towards Matt, why I slapped him, my childhood, what my dad was like, etc.

I pondered my feelings toward Matt as I stared up into the stars, secretly asking them for answers.

"If you want answers, just look into your heart." I heard Sarah say softly.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I think you were thinking outloud." She responded throwing a rope over her shoulder.

"What is that for?" I asked skeptically.

"Simple. Our only way of getting to that building." She pointed at LMS's HQ.

I raised my eyebrows shaking my head violently. "No. I am not using a skimpy piece of rope to keep me from falling to my death."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh come on, I have rope harnases."

I shook my head and crossed my arms defiantly. "No."

***15 minutes later***

"Are you sure this is safe?" I questioned warily as Sarah buckled my harness onto the rope.

She nodded, but It was no where near convincing enough for me. "Nope, I change my mind." I said, stepping back, away from the ledge. She sighed.

"C'mon Kiara! I'll be right behind you." She said in a whiney tone. I turned to face her.

"If I fall, how is that supposed to help?" I edged.

"You wont." She reassured. I squeezed the bridge of my noise and sighed heavily.

"Fine. But if I die, I'm coming back to haunt you." I warned.

She laughed and nudged me forward. I climed onto the ledge and bent down so that the rope was between my legs. I scooted forward and grabbed onto it with both hands. I glanced back at Sarah and she nodded at me reassuringly. I gulped and looked down into the darkness.

"Don't look down." Sarah advised, too late if I might add. I shot her a look she didn't see and flipped myself under the rope, crossing my ankles. I began inching further and further down the line. And my stomach churned with fear and anxiety as I edged towards the middle and away from anything that could save me if the rope broke.

I squeezed my eyes shut and kept going. You're not afraid. You're not afraid. I repeated over and over in my head until finally, I made it to the other end. I flipped my legs over and onto the concrete of LMS's roof. Pain shot through me and I let out a whimper.

"You okay?" Sarah asked, as she neared me on the rope. She was walking on it.

"Yea, I'm fine." I bit out. I swung myself onto the roof and layed down, gropping my knee. Sarah, jumped off of the rope and stood over me.

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