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I managed to get my nasty cut cleaned and make it to the bathroom with minimum shrieks of pain. I pulled off the clothes I had been wearing all day, and slipped into the hot, pain melting water and steam of the shower. I let out a loud sigh as I let everybone and muscle relax against the water.

I stayed in there for half an hour before limping pathetically into my room and flopping myself on the bed. I rolled over and looked at the clock. 10:43 pm. I had to get up by 2:30 in the morning to meet the possible suspect of my long lost father. I tucked my feet under the soft cushion of the sheets and the fluffy spread. I pulled it up to my neck and switched of my lamp.

My eyes itched as I made my way through the trees and bushes that seemed to be there just to make my life harder

The suffocating darkness that sorrounded me made it nearly impossible to see anything, and I tripped and clashed over and into things as I ran further. I dont know what or who it was I was running from, but I sure didn't want to stop to find out.

Finally, after bursting through a pair of tall bushes, I found myself in a parking garage.

"What the-" All of a sudden, the squeel of tires filled my ears and headlights swung around the corner crazily and began coming right at me.

I screamed and ran into a line of parked cars. The car that was barreling towards me before, came screeching to a halt as one of the doors opened. Three large and malicious looking guys dressed in burgandy suits with intimidating guns pertruding from their holsters got out of the vehicle and their stances were as if they were ready to fight.

Suddenly, another smaller, but still strongly built, tall guy stepped out. He ran his hands through his dark, short but shaggy hair. I knew instantly who it was.


I stepped back, alittle cautious to why he had shown up, and with all of these frightening men.

"Kiara." He nodded his head at me and walked forward, his face expressionless.

"Jason." I replied shakily, returning the nod. He was a foot away from me in a matter of seconds. He started to talk to me, telling me things about LMS and plans, but i couldn't understand what he was saying. His words were crashing together and made it impossible for me to decipher.

Then he suddenly stepped closer and leaned in, brushing my cheek with his as he whispered in my ear.

"They're going to kill you Kiara."

My heart raced and I started to look around frantically only to see darkness.

There was a loud, piercing popping sound and I realized that a gun had gone off. I tried to duck, but fell to the ground, my chest burning. I clutched it as a scream escaped my lips. I don't remember anything except darkness after that point and suddenly I was jolted awake by the buzzing of my alarm clock.

I rolled over and looked at the fuzzy, dancing green numbers on my clock. I reached for my glasses and slipped them on, suddenly the numbers became clear.

2:51 am. I blew out a hard breath as I contemplated pulling the covers over my head and forcing myself back to sleep. I layed there arguing with myself about whether or not I should get up.

In the end, my curiosity won, and I rose from my bed feeling groggy and sore. As soon as I put pressure on my knee it shot pain all the way through me, making me collapse onto the bed. I groaned and pushed myself up again, trying my hardest to ignore the pain.

I took light steps, trying to avoid anymore shocks of pain from my knee and made my way to my bathroom, shutting the door. It took only five minutes for me to get freshened up. I decided since I didn't particularly know who I was meeting, and I wasn't out to look good for anyone, I would just go out in my PJ's to save time.

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