Chapter III - 3

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Slaanesh was near. Taldeer could feel it in every breath.

Blood. A lot of blood was being lost. She wasn't dead yet though.

A noise. A presence. It wasn't a Necron.

It shouldn't have been like this. She was trusted to come, to guide the others to extinguish the threat throbbing rotten in the core of Kronus, and leave them in confusion.

Yet, here she was, helpless, losing blood, fallen to fool pride; at the mercy of something. Someone. Someone with a presence at least.

She took small comfort in that, and the soulgem at her neck.

Primary suffering internal bleeding, blood loss severe. the thoughts came through again.

Her eyelids flickered momentary glances of a too bright gray sky. These thoughts, why did they come unbidden?

Pain, in pain, currently showing resignation. Job unclean, Primary has high chance of survival. Good mission. How, how, how to clean primary?

The thoughts were jumbled, mashed, rigid iron roads set that his thoughts ran through, but there was something active in there.

She felt a hand touch her. She opened her eyes, and pushed out, pure reaction.

A moment, and she was sitting up, regretting it immediately as fire lanced up and down her.

The thoughts came again.

Primary is active. Medical science far easier than expected. Damage to self, superficial.

Now... a lengthy pause, then hesitant, uncertain, ...Converse? "You're okay...?" A voice flat and muffled came behind her. At first a statement, then a question, as she tottered again.

This time, she was caught.


Commissar Daniel glared out of the top hatch of the Chimera. "This is RIDICULOUS!" he shouted, turning to the poor sergeant down inside the chimera, who was genially standing and listening to the bellicose man.

"How so, sire?"

"The soldiers of His holy wrath should not be prancing about in the middle of nowhere, chasing some worthless incapable who got himself lost!"

We should be descending upon the Orks, take advantage of our victory-"

"Do you doubt Lord Lukas?" The sergeant casually said, looking away.

"If I didn't have all my faith behind noble lord Lukas Alexander, I wouldn't be doing this," Commissar Daniel finished with a glare.

The sergeant nodded amiably, a large happy grin on his face.

Local yokel, thought the Commissar, as he stepped back inside the chimera.

Probably never even heard of Cadia, much less appreciate what the glorious Imperium was doing, gifting this pathetic dirtball with the grace of His mercy to liberate it.

He glanced at the auspex. Five kliks left.

He leaned back, pushing forward his cap. Commander of thirty guards- men, each armed with the best weapons they were ranked for, with the authority to kill any one of them or any one in their way to recover one missing soldier, and all he wanted was a drink.


"No, get, get, off..." She pulled against whatever was holding her, had to get up, get away from the monkeigh, but she was oh so very tired.

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