Chapter VII - 7

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Taldeer stepped for the dark, rubbing her side. At least this time, the blood wasn't clotting crystal. Or maybe that was a bad thing. 

And LIIVI's comment-

Was he upset? It was hard to tell. And more than that, it was hard to tell if she should even care or not.

"I'll be predictable," she mumbled, stepping through the hatch. She received a vicious kick to the shins.

Hopping back, grabbing her leg, she stared down at the ork, who had managed to prop himself up against the door with stumps and a leg, who was giving her the glaring of a lifetime.

"C'mon poinny ear! See if'n yoo kin take me wivout yer pet 'oomie!" 

The wraithbone spear communicated the displeasure with the ork's inability to suffer from blood loss. The leg flew free, and Taldeer kicked the still yammering torso to the side and sealed the door shut behind her.

Well, she thought bitterly, soon he'll be gone anyway. And she won't care.

Her people's fate depended upon her. Who could care about one monkeigh when the potential lives of thousands of Eldar, and possibly the galaxy depended upon her being alive?

She sat heavily against the wall and slid down it.

Just tell yourself that, taunted a little voice in her head. That you can get another chance to make up for the hundreds lost in this useless mission.

Keep lying to yourself. 


From his vantage on the hillside, Captain Diocletian could see the Orks were shattered by the Guard's bombardment, mostly, true to the Inquisitor's predictions. 

No Guardsmen were in sight too, a relief (at least to Captain Diocletian), because just as the Inquisitor promised. And the Grey Knights were marching alongside their fellow marines... Just as the Inquisitor promised.

One could ask what they were doing, marching upon mere xenos, but Captain Diocletian already knew the answer that would not be given: they were there to watch for heresy among the Blood Ravens. "For the Emperor," he whispered, before stepping down, to join his fellows in securing the pass. His eyes lingered on the ringing grey armoured soldiers, Nemesis Force Halberds at the ready.


LIIVI stepped back from the trench, his visor clicking unhealthily as it zoomed back in and reverted to standard. He gathered his things, and sprinted back to the bunker, as Astartes and Ork met in battle. 


Brother Onus, of the Grey Knights, cocked his head. The xeno before him fell back on the point of his halberd, spasming and shrieking, before turning into ash. Contemptibly, he flicked the sparking instrument of the Emperor's wrath. A waste, for this precious blade, to be used on contemptuous xenos.

Something. . . A purity seal rustled on his arm. A rune gently creaked. Through the smoke and vaporized mud, he smelled the foul stench of the Warp on the air for a moment. The bunker.

Through the flame and the bullets, Brother Onus starts forward, stalking his prey. A prayer of thanks on his lips. 


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