Chapter XII - 12

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"Drop the weapon, mon-keigh." It was one of the Fire Dragons. He appeared to be in charge.

The surf was rolling in. The situation had to be handled delicately.

"LIIVI, do as the captain says." LIIVI lowered the weapon to the ground and raised his hands above his head.

The officer leered at her out the side of his eye, weapon still focused intently on the human next to her.

"Consorting with the enemy. . . what's the meaning of this, Farseer? Where are your troops? Explain yourself."

She hadn't been looking forward to this part. "I. . . led them to their deaths."

Taldeer tried to put on a brave face. Tried to choke back her guilt and shame. But after days on the run, wounded, fighting the nightmares plaguing her dreams - there were cracks in her facade.

She swallowed. Was it blood, bile, or something else? "I'm the only survivor. And I wouldn't be, if not for him. He saved my life. I owe him a debt."

The captain leered at the Vindicare and hissed. "Why?"

"Captain, he could have killed me many times over."

"I didn't ask you, Farseer."

"I outrank yo-"

"I see before me one of Ulthwe's finest, broken and beaten, with a particularly menacing mon-keigh following her like a dog. We go nowhere untilknow you aren't compromised."

"Now I repeat my question, mon-keigh, why?"

There was a brief moment of silence. "Mission: protect primary." He was reverting to reflexes.

"Really now? For how long? On whose orders?"

Taldeer could feel the iron roads of LIIVI's mind buckling, straining, twisting against a force it was conditioned to repress.

Concern. . . LIIVI thought to himself, concern for, images of her face, flashed through his mind. Affection. . . ?

She saw herself viewed through a scope as she removed her helmet. The silence lasted several seconds as a great war resolved itself beneath his expressionless face.

"Until the primary is secure. On my orders."

"So, you're a rogue?"


He turned to face Taldeer again. "And you believe him?"

There was no hesitation in her voice. "Yes.

"We have no time for further interrogation," he noted dryly. "We take them or leave them. Tanlon, is anything amiss?"

The Warlock stepped forward. "We were briefed on humans like this. He is an assassin. His mind is nearly impenetrable."

"For what it's worth, I can sense straining. Farseer Taldeer I do not sense to be lying, but she could easily fool me if she so desired."

"Captain," Taldeer said plainly, "If you shoot him, then I suggest you shoot me as well. Because I won't come willingly."

"Interesting, Farseer. Interesting indeed." He eyed LIIVI sternly before finally lowering his gun.

"Very well." He extended his hand. "I understand this is a mon-... a human gesture of friendship."

LIIVI stepped forward and took it, somewhat hesitantly. This was another practice he was vaguely familiar with, having seen it through the scope many times before, typically performed by the target.

Love Can Bloom - The Complete Edition: A Warhammer 40K Heretical FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now