Chapter XVI - 16

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The ocean was around her now. With every second, she was losing options, being dragged farther out to sea, the inky depths sucking ever harder downward.

We can die when the veil lifts. Or we can use it to start our attack.

It wasn't a hard decision.

Seizing hold of the first with her mind, she cast the enemy back through the steam and turned to face the squad.

"<When I call, run through the breach, weapons ready!>" She gritted her teeth and charged forward.

As Taldeer emerged from the billowing steam and into the snowy clearing, she found it empty. There was a clear impression in the snow, the spot where the Eversor had landed. But no footprints leading away.

The Farseer closed her eyes and tensed her muscles. There was no time for fear or uncertainty. There was no time for thought. Every moment spent thinking was a moment spent on inaction.

Precious moments she could not afford, fighting a creature like this. She could only read the ocean of fate and hope for the best.

There was a wave bearing down on her. The wind was fierce.


She did not look up. She rolled to her left, keeping her spear directed right. Fate rippled around her, new possibilities disturbing old potentials like raindrops on the surface of water.


Taldeer pumped some of her own energy into her suit's shields, expanding them. It was just in time to meet the rounds from the bolt pistol.

In one second, the Eversor would land right where she once stood. The Farseer made sure her spearpoint was waiting. Under the Eversor's inertia and the strength of her body, wraithbone flowed like water through sinew, bone, and metal augments. The assassin was parted from its right arm at the shoulder, and with it, the pistol.

Two waves crashed together at her left, splashing water high. The butt of her spear raced to where the neuro gauntlet would be. Contact. The force was immense and crushing, a fiercer blow than any mon-keigh ought to deliver. The undertow grew stronger as the venomous claws closed towards her face.

But she could make that force work for her. Moving her head aside and, with a nudge from fate, her muscles, and her mind, she guided the edge of the spear to the ankle of the of the assassin, using her body as a fulcrum. Wraithbone sang a song of war as it cleaved once more through the mon-keigh's desecrated flesh. The claws fell backward as the Eversor stumbled.


Two shuriken pistols and three shuriken catapults unloaded their magazines into the chest of the Eversor. Its torso was jelly in a matter of seconds, torn apart by thousands of shurikens. Red splattered the snow around it.

The Farseer stepped a bit closer to the body to confirm the kill. Chemical rich blood sizzled as it made contact with the frozen water. It was only then that she noticed the injuries on its arms and legs, wounds in inflicted by human "stubbers" and las-rifles from some recent brawl.

The corpse spasmed as its internal defibrillators made desperate attempts to restart its heart. Even now, its head craned feebly up at her, sole arm inching towards a melta strapped to its belt.

Her lips contorted into a frown as she drew her pistol. The durability of this creature...

One. Two. Three. Four. Four bursts of 50 shuriken shots to penetrate the mask. It finally ceased moving.

She breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

There was a whirlpool. Leading deep.

"<Get back!>" She sprinted into the shelter and dove to the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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