Chapter VI - 6

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The Incendiary: Tactica and Proper Oblations - Honoured and hallowed be the Incendiary, most cleansing of the Imperium's weapons. Doled out by holy flamer, delivered by a blessed shell, released from our pure skies. In all forms, in all ways, it is the Most Magnanimous Emperor's love that is on display here; to give opportunity long for the Enemy to confess his sins, to be burned free of their taint. How can one not marvel at a God-Emperor so kind?

Application and Distribution of the Emperor's Love - Concerning when one desires to give the Infidels forgiveness at a range, one must review these tenets in deploying the Mercy of the Imperator:

1) Proper Prayers and Devotion; to ensure Proper Phosphorus and Detonation!

2) Launch a volley of the Emperor's High Explosive Wrath first; to open the sinful timbers and flammables of the Heathen (For maximum mercy, limit rounds to ensure only injury and immobility for those struck)

3) Send the Emperor's Mercy (Take care in setting the timer; you desire at minimum a seventy percent airburst for a correct Storm of Penance)

4) After fifteen minutes (Enough time for a confession), deploy shrapnel rounds to eliminate any who would attempt to halt the Emperor's Forgiveness with mere blasphemous water.

Depending on the Storm of Penance, your soldiers may have to wait anywhere from one to five bells to deploy and liberate the enemies' souls from their accursed shells.

Section of Kronus Archconfessor Militade's - "The Emperor in the Munitions: A Veteran's Guide to Proper Faith in Artillery", currently subject to Ecclesiastical review.


Ardrin carefully set the roughly tied together, hand-written pamphlet down, half fearing that it might spontaneously turn "Merciful" upon him. It was, regrettably, the best text that he had upon this subject with him. He hadn't really worked with artillery all that much until now. Someone had to bear the Inquisitor's whims while Lukas led the army.

Three hundred smoking barrels stared at the sky, sizzling in the dribbling rain. Fifty rounds HE, two hundred and fifty rounds IN. Timers varied from fifteen to seventeen point five seconds. The ashes beyond the mountain range signed success back to the crews of the Basilisks, loading in the next volley.

"Three hundred incendiaries," Ardrin wiped the oil slick water from the pictoslate, trying to glean what was going on from the skull servitor, "And this time, cut the timers to a straight sixteen seconds, I think that's optimum airburst."

A chorus grunted agreement. Ardrin glanced over the command chimera's top again, staring out to the mountain pass far away. No firestorm yet, but this next volley would handle it. He shut the hatch as he went down.

The incredible bulk of the Inquisitor's armour and equipment took up a full third of the passenger space, and the Inquisitor's conscripted retinue filled up the rest of it, forcing Ardrin to stand leaning next to the door to the driver's room.

The Inquisitor himself, now that Ardrin got to see, was actually rather scrawny. A humble cassock far from the glinting lesson in waste covered the man's slight frame, what pieces weren't removed and replaced with gleaming steel.

"I heard the initial bombardment," the Inquisitor said with a fond smile, disturbing beneath the clicking ocular implants, "It sounded like the fanfare of saints. Have they hit?" "Yes sir. The Orks won't know what hit them."

"And the traitor?" "If he isn't incinerated in the next volley, he'll wish he had been."


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