Welcome to the underground

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Cw: /

[Right after the test of courage. The League captured Katsuki and arrive at their hideout/the bar.
Y'all know the story until then, I'm way too lazy to write that lmao]

Third person pov:

As the others tie that loud UA student to the chair Toga places herself next to Kurogiri behind the bar. The TV turned on, a report about the L.o.V.s attack running.

"Isn't that strange. The heroes are becoming the bad guys. Seems like they're not dealing with this very well at all. So much criticism. But everyone makes a mistake or two, right? It's not like they're supposed to be perfect. Modern day heroes sure have it rough, don't you think Bakugou? " Shigaraki starts talking. The UA student remains silent.

"Once a hero receives payment to protect people, they are no real hero anymore. That's what stains actions taught us" Spinner adds.

"A hero in this current system only cares about money and glory, and since society buys into those ideal cruels, anyone deemed to loose are ashoved aside. So we want to pose some questions; what is a hero? What is justice? Is the society truly fair? Soon everyone will be asking. That's when we'll know we've won and you like winning, don't you?" Shigaraki looks at his captive.
"Dabi, let him go."

"You know he'll just fight." he responds with an annoyed look on his face.

"That's fine, we're recruiting him, so we should treat him as an equal, besides he's smart enough to know he can't take us all, correct? After all UA students are so clever." the leader of the league smirks.

"Hey Twice, you do it." Dabi says.

"Sure thing. No way!" Twice responds.

"Do it!" the burned chicken commands.

"Oh man.." Twice complains.

"I do apologize for such forceful methods, but please understand that we are not just a mob that commits crimes without a third act in mind." Mr. Compress says.

"We didn't kidnap you by accident." Twice states as he unties the boy.

"Even though our backgrounds are different, everyone here has suffered, because of people, rules and heroes who try to hold us back. I'm sure you're the same." Tomura finally says.

As soon as Twice finished untying the student, everyone looks at the boy.

Bakugos pov:

All of these so called 'L.o.V.' members look at me more than surprised. They all seem to expect me to fight, except for this crusty man.
He looks at me with a content smile.

"I'm not like you fucking Idiots!" I respond.
The blonde girl giggles.
"Whatcha laughing at, dumbass?"

She looks at me.
"I think we'll get along very well." she says with a cute voice.

I ignore her.
There must be a way out of here...
There are multiple villains around me and I am the target. The only one. Even if I used my quirk, they'd win.
"Hey, crusty." I look over to that man again.

"My name's Shigaraki." he says more annoyed this time.

"So you want me to join your little villain group there? I guess that's the third act you mentioned." I ask.

"Either that or we'll use you to bait All Might. But if you'd be a member of the league, I promise you, noone and nothing would be able to hold you back. What do you say?" Shigaraki demands an answer.

He's not wrong. I am being held back, but I'm still not like them. I'm better, I'll be a hero... I'll be the number one!
I look down.
But I have to play along or I'll end up either dead or as bait.
I look back at Shigaraki and nod.
He smirks.
Everyone looks at Shigaraki and then back at me.

"Toga, show him to his new room. Explain everything to him. We'll talk about what we'll do next later." the light blue haired guy says while turning to the bar.
That weird mist guy places a drink, that looks like rum right in front of him.
The blonde girl takes my wrist and drags me up some stairs, along the hallway and inside some run-down bedroom.

Togas pov:

"Let me go." the guy I was supposed to show to his new room says pretty annoyed.
I smile at him and open the door, still holding his wrist.

He pulls away his arm and slowly walks inside the room. He looks around with disgust in his eyes.

"What's wrong pomeranian?" I walk inside the room and sit down on the bed. It's built like my room; a bed, a wardrobe, a window, a table, a chair and a door connecting the room to a bathroom.
"Guess UA students are used to better." I assume.

"Tsk." was the only reply I got.
I giggle at his reaction and look at him for a while.
He tries to open the window, which Shigaraki locked with a key in case the boy tried to escape.
"Treating me as an equal, I see." he complains.

"We can't risk losing you now." I jump on the floor and walk up to him.
He stays quiet, looking out of the window.
"Hm..." I jump in his sight "Please tell me about your classmate Izuku! He's so strong and good looking! I really like him." I smile and blush slightly.

"Okay, bubblehead, first of, stop calling me these stupid names and second, that stupid nerd is a weakling!" he yells at me.
I look at him surprised.

"Are you jealous, my dear?" I tease him.

"Alright, that's it!" he says, preparing to fight me.

"Shigaraki!" I scream before grabbing my knife with a big smile.
He's getting so angry over nothing.

Bakugos pov:

Fighting would be pointless. Besides the fact that they'd trust me even less, the rest of the villains will appear in a few seconds.
"Do you really think I'm scared of that thing?" I look at her.
Before I even realize I feel her cold, sharp knife against my throat and the girl with the two hairbuns pressed against my body.
"Tsk, you won't kill me. You need me after all." I grin.

"Maybe I'm not allowed to kill you right now, but that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun, right? A bit blood here and there would help you look better anyway." she smiles looking in my eyes.

"Fucking psychopath."
I see the grip on her knife tighten as Shigaraki and the burned villain enter the room.
That chic is fucking crazy.

"Geez, he really got a bad temper." she complains, her yellow eyes still staring into mine.

"How about you stop annoying him then?" the burned guy says calm.
I smile at his response.
"And to you, the spot of the blonde brat is taken. I'm not taking two of you, so you better get your shit together around me and the others." he says glancing at me.
I groan, still not breaking eye contact with that girl.
Both of the male villains turn around and leave, without saying another word.
As soon as they're out of sight, the psychopaths face turns red.
"Are we about to kiss right now?" she teases.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I push her away from me.

"You're as hot headed as Shigaraki expected you to be." she says, loosing that creepy smile on her face and letting herself drop on the bed.
"Not that that's a bad thing."

"Now get out of here, I want to sleep." I say walking to the bed.

"Nope." That brat responds.


Editors note: Hello, hello!! Thank you for reading my story!! In case you didn't read the description, I want to remind you of the general content warnings (cw) imma list them again:
-heavy language

If any other cws need to be added let me know!
I'd appreciate feedback, no matter if comments, votes or shares!!!
Have a nice day!

Cover credits:https://pin.it/62kjmjF

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