Your Brat

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Togas pov:

"What if I did?" I tighten my grip.
Katsuki glances at me very pissed. He suddenly grabs my waist and pushes me to the side, just to get on top of me. I blush. He moves his face close to mine.

"How can a cute little girl like you be such a damn psychopath?" he whispers.

"So, you think I'm cute?" I ask excited.


"Your brat though. By the way, if you didn't notice your face is red. Do you like being on top of me?" I giggle.

"Oh, c'mon." he tries to get up, but I grab his top and pull him closer again.

"I told you." I tease him.
Out of nowhere he leans in for a kiss. After a few seconds he pulls away and stands up. Both of our faces turn completely red.

"Found a way to free myself." he says.
I'm not able to move.
"I'll go take a shower." he goes inside the bathroom attached to the bedroom. He locks the door.

What did just happen. I blush again.
Nghhhh, I should get him new clothes I guess.
I get up and leave the room. I walk to Shigarakis room and knock.
"It's me. I need clothes for Katsuki."
The door opens and Shigaraki hands me some clothes. He looks around.

"Where is he?" he sounds really annoyed.

"Under the shower." I look down.

"Some little birdy told me you guys are having fun together. Interesting way of teaching him how to behave." Handy comments.

"Ugh, tell Dabi that we did have a lot of fun." I grin and head back to my room.

"I didn't want to know!" Shiggy says as I leave.

I enter my room and knock on the bathroom door.
"I brought you clothes." I yell.
The door opens and a hand grabs the clothes. After doing that Baku closes the door again. I sit down on the bed.
After some time the boy comes out.

"Thank you." he sits down next to me, wearing the clothes I brought him.

"Well, I usually go on missions or outside in general, but that won't be possible right now." I think.
I place my head on his shoulder again.

"We could go to the bar."

"Don't wanna be alone with me anymore?" I giggle.

"I don't want you to crawl on top of me again." after he said that I sit down on his lap.

"Like this?" I ask.

"Fucking brat." I feel him hold me tight and stand up. I wrap my arm around him, being close enough to feel his breath. We leave the room and he drags me to the bar where Dabi, Twice, Kurogiri and Shigaraki are sitting already.
The UA student places me on a chair and sits down next to me while everyone looks at us.

"What can I get you?" Kurogiri asks.

"I'll take a Bloody Mary." I say looking at Katsuki.

"Make it two."
His order surprises me.

"Since you and Toga had your fun now, can we talk?" Dabi looks at the new member.

"What do you want to talk about?" he asks annoyed.

Dabi first looks at Shigaraki and then back at Katsuki.
"It's a very private topic." he responds.
Shiggy looks at him very confused.

He really wants to talk to him without Tomura, doesn't he. This could get interesting.

"Dabi, what do you want to talk about?" Shigaraki asks too.

"Just stuff about the UA students."

"Without me?" Shigaraki complains.

"Forget about it." he stands up and leaves. Shigaraki watches him and then looks back at Katsuki.

"Toga, you're fucking that guy? Why not me?" Twice scoffs.
Katsuki looks at me disturbed.

"Shigaraki told me that I'm allowed to have fun with him." I grin.
Kurogiri finally arrives with our drinks and places them in front of us.
"Thank you!" I say as Bakugo and me take a sip from our drinks.
I smile as I watch him drink.

"See, he trusts us." I look to Shigaraki.

"I kind of trust you and that mist guy, even though you'll probably slice my throat sooner or later and he does what Crusty orders him to." the blonde responds, which makes me smile.
"It's not like he trusts me." he adds.

"I mean, he's not wrong there Shiggy. You even gave him a reason not to trust you." I look at Katsuki.

"Toga, be quiet. You really piss me off lately."

"Well, that's a you-problem. She's right, you did everything but give me a reason to trust you, even threatened me." Baku defends me.
Shigaraki stands up and walks towards us.
"Wanna taste my Quirk?" the UA student teases him.

"Shigaraki, calm down."

"I am calm, can't you see?" the leader of the L.o.V. states.

"Drop it, Shigaraki!" I stand up and place myself in front of Bakugo.

"Toga!" I hear from behin. I turn around and short after I feel 3 fingers wrap around my throat.

"Shigaraki, that's enough!" Kurogiri yells. The boy behind me gets up.

"I got it under control." I calm myself down.

"Sure?" Shigaraki looks pissed.

"I mean, I choked Katsuki harder earlier." I whisper, not even loud enough for Bakugo to hear.
Shigaraki places another finger on my skin.
"Wouldn't All For One be disappointed, if you killed members?" Shigaraki immediately let's go of me.

"Everyone, get out of here, right now." Kurogiri says serious.
The boy behind me takes my hands, drags me in his room and locks the door.

"Thank you for defending me." I hug him. He pats my head, which makes me smile.

"Are you okay? That bastard nearly killed you again." he rests his head on mine. I nod as response.

Words: 993
Editors note: I just realized that I keep leaving y'all with cliff hangers, I'm sorry,,,
My head's kinda empty and idk what to say here, but thanks for reading.
Cover credits:

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