Kill them

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Cw: /

Togas pov:

A knock at the door interrupts the moment.
"Are y'all ready?" Dabi enters the room.

"Comin'." I place another kiss on Katsukis lips and we make our way downstairs.
As soon as everyone arrives Shigaraki speaks up.
"I repeat: If shit goes down, call Kurogiri. I'll be busy paying that motherfucker a visit."

"What if we come across a hero?" Bakugo asks.
Everyone looks at him with a blank expression.
Why did you have to ask that now, fucking morron.

"Kill them." Shigaraki answers dry.
The blonde nods and looks at me.
"Well, then, Kurogiri."
The Mist opens a warp gate.
"You two go first." the leagues leader looks at us.
I smile, grab Bakugos hand and pull him with me through the warp gate.

We enter a building with big walls. The whole hallway is painted white and there is no furniture to see. The inside reminds of a hospital.
We look around.
"There's a cam." I whisper.
We got dropped off at a small corner without camera. The long hallway seemed to be empty, except for us.
Katsuki peeks around the corner.

"It's the only one here." the boy let's me know.

I run towards the camera, jump up the wall and cut the wires with a knife.
"There are supposed to be people around." we walk along the hallway.
"Do you miss your friends?" I take his hand in mine.
Katsuki stays quiet as always when this topic is being brought up.

"I did not decide yet."

"It can't be that hard!"

"Well it's either dying as a villain or you torturing me, because I wouldn't stay with you." the boy says annoyed.
I stop and let go of his hand.

"You're very insensitive sometimes."

"Again, says the villain!" his red eyes filled with anger.

"You're such a jerk." I scoff heading towards a door that was at the end of the room.

Out of nowhere we hear loud noises behind it.
The floor shakes and the walls seem to move. Dabi enters the door we stand in front of.

"Back to the corner!" he yells and runs back. We sprint back to where we were coming from.

"Dabi, what in the world-" the man covers my mouth with his hand.
I push his hand away and look around the corner. My eyes widen as I turn back around.
Katsuki looks at us with a questioning face.
I pull out my phone and call Kurogiri.

"UA students. We're where u dropped us off." I say quietly.
Now Katsukis eyes widen aswell.
He glances around the hallway.
I pull him back.
"You love me, right? You'll stay with me and you won't go to them, am I right?" I say cupping both of his cheeks in my hands.

"My classmates..." Katsuki mumbles looking to the side.

Dabi looks at us confused.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" he whisper-yells.
The warp gate opens.
I grab Katsukis hand and and look at him.

"They're coming." he pushes me through the warp gate and follows me.

The bar.
The warp gate closes.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me! Is that what your fight was about?" Dabi asks angrily.

"What if it was?" Katsuki snaps. He sounds much more calm than the other male.
I just look at him with big eyes, as he throws his death stare at Dabi.

"Why didn't you fucking tell us that he wanted to escape?!" the burned one continues to yell, now looking at me.

A new warp gate opens. Shigaraki walks through it.
"I hate UA students."

"Guess who does not." Dabi scoffs.

"Hm?" the leader responds confused.
I see Katsuki looking at me with a slight smile. I walk to him.

"That wannabe hero was about to escape. But even funnier is, that our little psychopath knew about that and did not care to tell us."

"Fucking cunt! We had these talks quite often now! I'm sick and tired of your little plaything putting us all in danger!" Shigaraki screams, clenching his hands in his pockets.

"I'm sorry." I look down, hugging Katsukis arm.
Not even he was able to comment on the situation.

"Why make him think he'd come far in the first place, bitch." Shigaraki adds.
Dabi turns around and orders a drink from Kurogiri, who I didn't notice standing behind the bar again.
"A rum for me!" crusty yells and turns around to sit next to him.

Oh, boy, this isn't over.

Katsuki grabs my hand and drags me upstairs.
He sighs.
We arrive at my room and walk inside. As always I lock the door from the inside. Still facing the door, tears start running down my cheeks and I start sobbing.

Katsukis pov:

I hug Himiko from behind when I notice tears falling down her face.

"I'm here, don't worry, Shigaraki can't do shit." I try calming her down. I wipe away a tear that's been stuck on her cheek.

"It's not that." the girl yelps.
She turns around.
"I just love you, you stupid motherfucker." she punches against my chest.
I smile.

"I love you too."

Editors note: Hiii
I know, it took me quite a while to update this story, my apologies.
I've come to the decision that this will be the last chapter of this book for now. The only thing I'll be doing is correct mistakes if I come back to this story.
I really enjoyed writing this book though, especially because this ship is quite underrated in my opinion.
Maybe I'll start a continuing book some day, we'll see.
There'll probably be some lemon/smut/whatever stuff in oneshots in the future!
Thank y'all for reading and giving feedback, it really motivated me to see the votes and few comments I got <3
It meant the world to me!
Prob oneshots or another villain story coming next, wouldn't be too sure abt it tho
Which ship would u like to see???

Cover credits:

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