Fucking Brat

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Bakugos pov:

"Fucking brat. Didn't that roast beef tell you not to annoy me? Get out of here already!" I demand.

"Whatcha gonna do? Tell Shiggy?" Toga giggles.

"Imma get out of here then."
Making my way out of the room to the bar I was tied up in a bit ago, I notice her following me.
That creep's going to haunt me in my dreams.
We arrive at the bar.
The mist guy glances at us with a surprised look.

"By the way, that's Kurogiri." Toga says from behind me.

I sit down on a chair and look around.
She places herself on the chair next to me.

"Do UA students drink alcohol?" that blonde asks surprised.

"Can I get a water? That brat's causing me a headache." I ask Kurogiri.

He replies with a motion that seems like nodding and hands me a glass filled with water.

"What about you?" he looks at the creep.

"Nah, I'm good, but thanks!" he gets as an response. She looks at her hands and then back at me.

I understand that she doesn't trust me. If I was her I'd probably make sure not to let me escape too. Still fucking annoying.

The girl suddenly let's herself fall to the side I'm sitting at and rests her head on my shoulder.
"Since you don't want to tell me stuff about Izuku tell me something about yourself." she demands.

"Get off me." I try to calm myself down since that Kurogiri guy is still next to us. He looks at us concerned.

"Shigaraki told me he wants to talk about how we will continue tomorrow. Both of you should go to sleep soon. It was an eventful day." the mist man says, trying to interrupt the intrusive situation.

Drinking my glass of water, I look down at the head resting on my shoulder. She seems to have her eyes closed, but her hand ready to grab her knife.

"Himiko, how about you ask Shigaraki for some clothes Bakugo could sleep in." Kurogiri says, still trying to get her away from me.
The girl jumps up, nods and walks out of the bar.
Kurogiri takes the glass I just emptied and cleans it.
"You need to be a bit patient with her." the purple fog started, "She seems to like you."

Is that a good thing now?
After some minutes I see a dark shadow coming closer in the corner of my eye. I turn around, trying to identify who it could be, until I realize it is a bunch of clothes being held in my direction by the girl we just talked about.
"Thank you, I guess." I take the clothes and start to make my way back to my room. As expected, she followed me.

"Can I at least change without you being in my room?" I try to stay calm, already knowing what she was going to answer.

"I really wanted to watch you change your clothes." she says jokingly as we reach the door.
She opens it and let's her body fall on the bed again.

I lock myself in the bathroom to change into the clothes Toga brought me.
They were a bit too big, but I expected worse from what I've seen until now.
I leave my other clothes in the bathroom and open the door.
The psychopath still laying on the bed, I try to be calm and lay down next to her.
"You will sleep here, won't you?" I ask.

"Yep!" she nods as she covers me with the blanket.

I turn off the light to sleep, hoping Toga would do the same.
To my surprise she did, but I wasn't able to sleep. Laying on the side I look outside the window.
You fucking idiot let yourself get captured by villains. A good for nothing.
After looking out of the window for about 10 minutes, I feel something warm press against my back.
"Get away." I exclaim angrily.

"Make me do." Toga replies while wrapping one arm around me.
I turn around to see two sparkling eyes glancing at me.
I try to push away the girl, but she keeps snuggling back to me.
She closes her eyes, burying her face in my chest.

"Fucking brat." I say as I put my hand on her thigh.
I feel her cheeks heating up, the girl being clearly surprised.
I try to move away from her and eventually was able to see her red face. She looks in my eyes, not saying a single word.
I slide my hand down her leg until I reach her knife. As fast as I can I take it and put it next to her throat.

"Ah, you thought I'd be scared, right? Is that really your attempt to get me away from you?" she giggles.

"Thought it was worth a try. I should've expected that it wouldn't work though. You probably even like that, don't you?" I say kinda disappointed.

"Well, what if I did." she continues to giggle.

"That's pathetic."

"Yeah, maybe it really is." she smiles and takes the hand I'm holding the knife in, bringing it closer to her throat.

"You're really scary." I take away the knife, turning around to place it on the nightstand.
She giggles and starts to come closer to cuddle again.
Facing her again, I free my hands from her grip.
"Why won't you leave me alone?"

"I like you. I want to spend as much time as possible with you." she smiles, "And I don't like being alone anyways."

"And why are you here? Why are you a member of the league?" I ask curious.
She remains quiet and squeezes the shirt I'm wearing in her hand.
The both of us remained silent for quite a while.
She interrupts the silence with a tired and quiet "Good night my dear.".

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised, if we'd end up fighting sooner or later, but right now I'm pretty glad that she just stays quiet for once.

The both of us fall asleep next to each other not long after that.


Editors note:Hii, thanks for reading my story! Remember to vote and comment!
Also I apologize for incorrect spelling and grammar mistakes, but English isn't my first language. Would appreciate corrections!
Cover credits:https://pin.it/5TaIZso

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