Good Night

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Bakugos pov:

I wake up, facing the window. I turn around just to see that bubble headed blondie. She's sleeping very peacefully.
The heroes should be here any minute. They better fucking hurry, I won't spend another night with that hoe.
I get up trying not to wake up the female next to me. I watch the sun slowly rise as I look out of the window.

I walk out of the room to explore the building I was in.
The hallways and attached rooms seem very old and used.
The hallway led to other rooms that seemed to be bedrooms, and down a stair to a big room, which seemed to be the main entrance of a hotel.
I make my way down the run down stairs and find myself in this entrance area.
I glance at a dark figure walking through one of the four doors attached to the room I'm standing in.
One of the doors leads to the room I was being kept in when I arrived earlier, the other rooms are unknown to me.
I follow the shadow as silent as possible. As I come closer to the room I can make out a quiet male voice. I walk closer to understand what the voice whispers, but only am able to make out some keywords.
"All might... UA...heroes..."
By that time I was able to figure out that it was a call.
As soon as the call ends I hurry to turn around.
Ready to leave I realize that I now am face-to-face with a wanted villain, which was everything but my plan.

Dabi looks at me with a sadistic grin.
"Hello little mouse." he says calm.

Clenching my fists I prepare to fight, before a hand around my neck prevents me from moving.
Due to the rotten smell and dry hand touching me from behind I could make out that Shigaraki was the one calling with someone and is now the one who prevents me from roasting this medium rare piece of shit.

"Oh, what do we have here? Just joined and wanna catch up with all the gossip? Or did you really try to escape?" the crusty voice says.

"Shut the fuck up!" I yell through the hideout.

"You are not in the position to tell someone to shut up." Dabi laughs at me.

"And you are not in the position to talk to my plaything like that!" I hear Toga yell from upstairs.

Dabi seems to be surprised of her sudden appearance, just like me, but still smiles, clearly amused by Togas reaction and the discussion that is about to come up.

"Why is he downstairs alone? You better have a good explanation." the man behind me says with an angry voice.

The blonde runs down the stairs.
Nearly tripping, she stops right in front of me and Shigaraki.
I look at her from the side, since the dry hand around my neck only tightened it's grip when Toga arrived, making me unable to turn my head to her.
The girl just stays quiet, knowing that no matter what answer she'd come up with it would only make the villain in front of her more mad.

"Don't let that happen again or you'll have to life with the concequences." the adult warns her.
She nods and takes my wrist as Shigaraki let's go of my neck and leaves into the room he was calling with someone before.

I open my mouth to comment on the situation, but before I could get out a single word, the tall, black haired guy interrupts me.
"I told you to keep your shit together. You just joined the League, of course you're not being treaten as an equal." he states before turning around to leave.

Not even a second later I find myself getting dragged up the stairs and through the hallway by a not very amused Toga. She pushes me inside the room we were sleeping in and smashes the door behind us.
"You could've died, morron!"

"Says the one who wants to hurt me." I reply, shaking her hands off of me.

"That's not the same." she rolls her eyes.

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