Meaningless Fight

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Bakugos pov:

Toga smiles.
"I'm glad that you're here!" she hugs me tight.

How pathetic of me. I need to get out of here. Even if the heroes won't be able to save me. I can get out by myself. Just wait for your first mission with her.
"Do you think I can join your missions any time soon?"

"I don't know. We'll have to ask Shigaraki when he calmed down a bit."
I nod as a response.

After that topic the both of us stay quiet, until a knock at the door breaks the silence.
"Come in!" Himiko shouts.

"Got send to check up on you." Dabi enters the room.

"We're good." the girl sits up.
"How's Twice?"

"A wreck, as always. Also Shigaraki wants to see you guys in the bar in about 20 minutes." Dabi states and leaves the room again.

"I don't know what's dryer, his skin or his conversations." Toga complains.

I smile at her joke.
You're doing it again.
You're giving in. Letting yourself get kidnapped by villains is one thing, but giving in in this situation? Weak.
I look away.

"Wanna go down already and get something to eat?" Toga asks.

"Sure." We get up and walk downstairs.

After eating something we sit down at the bar and wait for Shigaraki to arrive.
It doesn't take long until he shows up, wearing all black as usual.
He sits down nearby and orders a whiskey.
He then looks at us.
"We'll go on a mission together. All of us. Tomorrow." he glances at me with a serious look on his face.

"So you'll let me go outside?" I question.

"Yes, but no matter what happens, you'll stay with Toga."

"I'll make sure." the girl grins.

"Everyone here besides you two knows the plan already. I wasn't sure if we'll take you with us until now." the adult explains.
"We'll pay Overhaul a visit."

"A payback mission?" I ask.

"Yes." Shigaraki looks down.

"We'll make him regret what he did." Toga looks at him with a sadistic look on her face.

"Bakugo, you'll hold her back. Your job is to distract yakuza members. You can kill them, but don't go to far. Leave when you're in too much danger. Call Kurogiri if you need help."

"How am I supposed to create explosions without hurting our little psychopath here?" I look at Himiko.

"Who said that you shouldn't hurt me?" she smiles.

"She's fast and small. Make sure that she's behind you and don't overdo it."

I look at Toga concerned. She nods, agreeing to what Shigaraki said.
You're worrying about her again. That'd be your chance to escape.

"I'll be all right." she grabs my hand to comfort me.

I smile.
No, get that shit out of your head.
I pull my hand away.
"Are we done here now?" I ask impatiently.

"Yeah." the L.o.V. leader mumbles and leaves the bar without drinking his whiskey.

"Kurogiri, can I get a beer?" I order.

"Sure thing." the Mist opens and hands me a bottle.

"Darling, are you okay?" Toga asks confused.

I turn to her.
"Mh? Yeah, sure." i swallow my beer.

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