Don't Push It

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Cw: mention of Suicide

Bakugos pov:

Loud noises wake me up the next morning. It sounds like two people arguing, but I'm not able to figure out what they're talking about.
Wait, are that Toga and Shigaraki?
Remembering what happened yesterday I get up to look if it really is them. I walk out of the door and make my way to the bar where the sounds seem to come from. As I walk inside, I see Toga.
How did I not notice that she left the room?

"You nearly killed him! Why are you complaining?! You wanted him to be a member after all." the blonde yells. She looks at me.
"Well, look what the cat dragged in." she smiles at me, completely ignoring that Shigaraki is standing next to her.
Shigaraki looks at me annoyed. I walk over to Toga.
"He still is mad because of yesterday." she looks as annoyed as Shigaraki.

"Well, if you didn't want to escape where were you going then?" he asks mad.

"I was just looking around, okay? Besides that, I didn't want to wake Toga up." I respond, trying not to yell at him. The girl grabs my arm. The crusty guy looks at her worried.
Is she scared of him?
"Are we done here now or do you want to scare her even more?" his only reaction was a concerned look to the ground. Without waiting for him to say something I turn to Toga. She looks at me surprised and drags me out of the room.

"You should stop talking to him like that or we will end up as dog food or something." Toga complains. I roll my eyes.
"Wait here for a moment. Do not move!" she let's go of my arm and goes back to Shigaraki.
I stand outside for a bit, waiting for her to come back, as I notice a tall figure sneaking up behind me. I turn around.

"Huh, you're still alive? Thought either Shigaraki or Toga killed you already." Dabi says surprised.

"Shut the fuck up."

"Yeah, he is." Toga hugs me from behind, placing her head on my shoulder.
"Play along. Don't question it." she whispers in my ear.

How did I not notice she was coming.

"But since Shigaraki needs him, I can't have as much fun as I'd like to have."
Her hand travels up to my chest.

What in the world?!

"We were about to go to my room, if you don't mind."

"I actually wanted to talk to your and Shigarakis new toy." he says glancing at me.

Fucking toy?! As soon as the heroes arrive I'll blow your fucking face.
I look at the girl.

She moves the hand on my chest higher to my throat.
"Can't you do that later? Please." she begs Dabi.

I grin and blush, still looking at her.
What the fuck Toga?!
"C'mon burned toast, let us have some fun first." I look back at Dabi.
He looks a bit mad and turns away, walking inside the bar.
I look at Toga and take her hands. I remove them from my body and turn around to face her.

"So, we're gonna have some fun?" she teases me.

"Ugh, shut up brat."

"Make me do, darling."

"You wish." I respond, causing the blonde girls face to turn red.

"Yes, I do." she giggles.

I groan.
"So, why did Burny have to think we're fucking?" I ask as we walk to Togas room.

"Besides the fact that I don't want him to be alone with you, what do you think he wants to talk about? It's either information about the UA or you'll fight. And you definitely shouldn't tell him information about the UA, if Shiggy isn't around." the girl responds.
We arrive at Togas room.
"Can you stay in here for a moment? I'll be right back."

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